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Author's Note:

Thanks for the lovely guesses folks! Let's see if anyone is spot on today... ;)


All I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away)

The last thing that Addison Montgomery bargained for was to absolutely hate the game of surgical 'secret Santa'.


The following morning comes around, and Addison Forbes Montgomery has already been up for hours trying to piece together a new gift for Meredith Grey.

"Damnit!" says Addison as she fumbles with the packaging, the ribbon completely untying as she tried to redo it again.

She kept it up, though, her groans stifled by the thick walls of the Archfield Hotel room.

Addison had planned on wrapping it the night before, but she'd gotten distracted by her own gift from her 'secret Santa,' and she'd chosen to indulge.

She had run herself a bath, and put in her own bath salts, and then she'd opened up her little bottle of children's bubbles and made the little rainbow circles dance all over the room.

It was mesmerizing, and Addison was so excited that somehow, her secret Santa had guessed that her guilty pleasure was soap bubbles.

They were just so sweet and happy, and Addison especially loved them in the bath, because the bath was already filled with soap anyway.

She put on some music, and soaked herself clean, and she allowed her mind to wander as she opened up her box of chocolates, and popped them into her mouth one by one.

'I bet Meredith enjoyed her gift,' Addison imagines. 'If I were still an intern, I would love it if somebody wrote down a few extra tips & tricks for me to succeed in the O.R,' says Addison. 'Besides, that diary is just so sweet with its floral patterns, and mini lock and key...' Addison imagines.

Addison chides herself for caring so much about what Meredith thought about her gift though.

'It still has to appear as though Derek gave it to her!' Addison thinks to herself.

Addison sighs as she picks out another chocolate to eat before she gets out of the bath, and puts on her new fluffy bathrobe, and drains the tub, and brushes her teeth, and heads right off to bed.

So that was last night, and now it's this morning, and that's why Addison is still struggling with the wrapping paper right before her first scheduled surgery.

"Ah, so this time, it's a Rubik's cube!?" says Meredith, as she watches her best friend, Cristina Yang open her secret Santa present.

"Appears so," says Cristina. "I guess Santa must be on some sort of fidget toy kick..." Cristina shrugs. "I love it though, hey look, I made a flower!" she shows off.

"Wow, and that de-stresses you!?" offers Meredith. "I think it would just stress me out..." says the blonde.

"Hey, you never said your gift from yesterday was," says Cristina.

"Oh, just a notebook," says Meredith nonchalantly. The last thing she needs is for Cristina to come prying and to steal all of her secrets.

"Is it at least patterned?" says Cristina.

"Yeah, it has nice flowers on it," says Meredith.

"Did they get you something for today?" Cristina asks her.

"I'll go check..." Meredith says musingly, as she hops away easily to complete her quest.

Meredith Grey heads off to an empty on-call room to open her diary today. She's expecting to see another present where she'd found the last one in the charts, but nope, nothing.

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