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All I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away)

The last thing that Addison Montgomery bargained for was to absolutely hate the game of surgical 'secret Santa'.


"Are you hungry?" Meredith Grey walks up to ask Addison Forbes Montgomery after she finishes her surgery.

"Starving," Addison replies easily, as she concludes her chart notes.

"Any particular cravings?" Meredith asks her.


"Not really," Addison replies nonchalantly (hopefully!).

"How about pizza then?" Meredith asks her.

With you.

"Sounds lovely," says Addison, as she picks up her keys. "I can drive," she says, wanting something to do with her hands so she's not fidgety.

"Lead the way," Meredith says, as she picks up her coat to follow the redhead.

'Now I'm really nervous,' both Addison and Meredith think in their heads.

This was going to be interesting.

"So are you one of those people who eats pizza with a knife and fork?" Meredith asks Addison suspiciously.

"Only when the toppings fall off," offers Addison.

"Fancy," Meredith giggles.

"I like a lot of toppings," Addison offers back.

They head to a pizza establishment that Addison has discovered during her time in Seattle, and after some brief negotiations, they end up with one medium pizza to share.

"Bon apétit," says Addison, as she serves Meredith a piece on her plate.

"See, definitely fancy," says Meredith, as she hands Addison a napkin.

"We learned it in french class," Addison laughed.

"We didn't say it often, but we grew up hearing that on television," Meredith supplies.

The conversation from there flows simply and easily, and Addison is pleased with how she's able to uphold her end of the chatter without internally combusting.

Meredith on the other hand, is pleased that she's able to continue to watch Addison delicately consume the plethora of toppings without either moaning inappropriately, or running for the hills from the sheer intensity of emotion it produces in her.

"So are you gonna be upset if I steal the extra toppings from the bottom of the box with my fingers then?" Meredith asks Addison challengingly, after they finish the slices.

"Not if I beat you to them," says Addison, as she moves to quickly suck the remaining sauce off of her thumb so she can grasp her fork in her hand more comfortably.

"Mm, my fingers are tasty," Addison says aloud, before she reddens completely in embarrassment.

"Interesting," Meredith muses, while a wide smirk graces her lips along with her amused expression. "I'll have to take that into consideration," she adds, her voice deliberately dropping an octave.

Addison takes a full gulp of her soda to cool herself off from Meredith's scathing expression.

Holy hell.

The rest of the lunchtime passes without relative incident, and ending with Meredith insisting on footing the bill because it was her idea to eat out in the first place.

All That I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away)Where stories live. Discover now