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All I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away)

The last thing that Addison Montgomery bargained for was to absolutely hate the game of surgical 'secret Santa'.


All day long, Addison Montgomery seems to be getting compliments on her hair.

"Looks great," her patient says to her.

"Thanks," says Addison.

"What kind of conditioner do you use? I'll have to try some," the patient admires.

"Oh, I have no idea..." Fumbles Addison.

"You don't know, you have this perfect hair and you have no idea how!?" Exclaims her patient.

"No..." Addison says awkwardly, blushing as she remembers selecting hair products from Meredith's shower, and choosing the ones that smelled the best to her at the time.

"It smells like... Lavender..." her patient offers.

"Yeah..." says Addison. "It does."

Addison half wants to ask Meredith what kind of conditioner she has, but then, she sort of feels embarrassed about it.

And she also feels completely out of her body whenever she's around the blonde, she instead, she avoids Meredith becaus she's avoiding the flip-floppy feeling that seems to be afflicting her.

"Dr. Montgomery," Meredith says to her as she turns a corner.

"Dr. Grey..." Addison says quickly as she click-clacks her heels faster to get away.

"Are you busy?" asks Meredith.

"Yes, I'm ah- very busy," says Addison as she scampers off again.


'Oh, no. One ten-second encounter and I can hardly think straight!' Addison sighs.

It works for a while, until Bailey assigns Grey to her service.

"Do I have to!?" Pleads Addison.

"Hey, just because you and Derek had problems that don't mean you get to not teach one of my residents," Bailey huffs as she hands her the clipboard.

Maybe this was never about Derek, after all.

"Alright..." Addison says reluctantly.

"What, is she giving you trouble?" asks Bailey.

'More like a crisis of consciousness,' Addison fidgets.

"Nothing I can explain, really..." Addison shrugs.

"Well then get over yourself. Besides, the first day here, didn't you formally request her?" says Bailey.

"I guess..." says Addison, suddenly remembering Meredith's wispy hair and nervous smile the first time they worked together at the hospital.

Those were the days before the whole universe went sideways.

"You'll be fine, Addison. You're tough, and besides, she's here," says Bailey, walking away to leave Addison alone with Meredith Grey.

"Hi," says Meredith in a neutral voice.

"Hi-" says Addison awkwardly.

"Are you alright?" asks Meredith when she sees Addison fidgeting.

"Yeah-" says Addison nervously.

"Okay..." says Meredith, unconvinced. "Your hair looks great by the way," she adds.

All That I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away)Where stories live. Discover now