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Primrose walked with Mason at a nearby park. Mason wanted to eat ice cream although the weather was cold and Primrose happily volunteered to go get ice cream with him.

Because she wanted one too.

They were eating the ice creams while walking until a group of kids just came and pushed Mason to the ground, and his ice cream dropped on the ground.

"Oops." The kids laughed.

Primrose gritted her teeth, "Well that wasn't so nice."

"My ice cream fell." Mason said, reaching for his ice cream and stared at it. It was a painful sight for Primrose, no one deserved this kind of attitude towards them. And for the fact that Mason was different and still a child, it was so innocent listening to him talking about the ice cream.

The kids walked away while laughing. Primrose was about to call out to them when suddenly one of the kids's trousers were lit with fire that no one knew the source from.

One by one, all the kids went through the same thing. They were all screaming, some of them were running around and some of them were jumping.

Primrose glanced at Mason, and her assumption was right—the fire came from Mason.

He is a fire manipulator... he's a mutant.

She looked around to see if there were people looking but lucky for them, no one else was there except for the kids and themselves.

Mason's palm was lit with a small fire, and as he pointed out his lit finger to one of the kids, the fire became stronger, burning his trousers. Primrose pushed down his hand quickly, "Mason, that's enough."

He looked at her and the fire stopped. The kids quickly ran away, leaving only the two of them at the park. Primrose kneeled in front of him, "What was that, Mason? How did you do the fire?"


Primrose softly cupped his face before holding his shoulders, "It's okay, you can tell me. How did you do that?"

"I don't know." He answered. She nodded, "It's alright. When it happened, what were you thinking?"

"I was angry. I wanted them to suffer."

It sent chills down her spine but she nodded anyway, "Was it the first time it happened? When did it start?"

"I was five. But mom told me not to tell anyone."

So Maddie knows.

"Mason, I need you to listen to me. You have powers and one day, this power will be beneficial for you and people around you. I know, when someone did you wrong, you feel angry and it's normal to be angry. But promise me, don't do that ever again. Promise me?" She asked and to her luck, Mason nodded.

"Good boy. And your mom's right, no one can know about this. Not yet. One day, there will be time when people like you could finally fit in into this world. And when the time comes, you come forward and make the right decisions. Okay?"

Mason nodded again.

Primrose smiled, "And remember one more thing. One shouldn't simply stop being a good person because of a bad person. Kindness makes you have higher moral standards than them. It makes you a better person than them."

"Mom always tell me to be kind to people." He said and Primrose nodded vigorously, "Your mom's right, sweetie. She's definitely right. In the future, we'll have monsters."

Mason tilted his head to the side, "Monsters?"

She nodded, "Yes, monsters. They hurt people and they crave for power. They desire to have people to bow to them. These monsters are unbeatable by normal humans. The only ones who can defeat them is you. And your kind. One day, you'll meet more people like you. Trust me."

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