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Slowly but surely.

That's what Primrose told herself in getting Tom Riddle to be her friend. It's not an easy process but she'll believe that she would get there.

Tom Riddle wasn't a guy that a person can come up to and say, 'Hi let's be friends.'

He'll probably hex the fuck out of that person.

It can't be rushed. A boy like Tom Riddle was tough. His ego couldn't get enough feeding and trying to melt his heart was not as easy as putting ice outside of the fridge. If the weather's cold, the ice wouldn't melt anyway.

So, instead of trying too hard that it would be too obvious and annoy him, Primrose tried to get him on his good side, by making him come to her first.

Prim was manoeuvring him into thinking that she could be his friend.  

There's a 50-50 chance but based on what happened that night, it surely looked like Primrose had a chance.

It's a progress. She thought to herself.

It came to her attention that Tom Riddle didn't have a pet. That explained why he put a spell on a book instead of an animal.

She had also seen his quill, which was different than the rest of the class. His was rather unique with a green feather and a small golden snake tattered on the pole. Basically in class, Primrose and Tom's quills would shine the most.

She'll definitely do something about this information when the time comes.

Primrose rushed to Potions as she slept in. She arrived in front of the class, looking at everyone who had partnered up with partners from different house. Professor Slughorn saw her and before he could open his mouth, Primrose bowed slightly,

"I'm so sorry, Professor Slughorn."

Slughorn, looking at the panting girl, just smiled, "Come on in, Miss Quinton. For today's class, we're brewing an elixir to induce euphoria. Find someone from Slytherin as your partner—oh. It looks like your only option is Mr Riddle over there."

Primrose looked at Tom that was already looking at her. She then nodded, "Thank you, Professor."

She put her notebook and her quill on the table right after she sat down and greeted Tom, "Good morning, Riddle."

"Good morning, Quinton." He replied.

"Instruction's on page 500. You may start now." Slughorn said. The students got up from their seats to the cupboard, taking the ingredients needed for the potion making.

Primrose wrote down the ingredients in her book while waiting for the crowd to disperse from the cupboards before getting up when they're clear, "I'll get the ingredients."

When she's done, she came back to the table with the ingredients. "Do you want me to read? And you brew?"

"Sounds good." Tom said. He then moved his notebook and quill to the side. Primrose saw the chance, "It's a nice quill."

Tom glanced at her before looking at his quill, "Thank you." 

His eyes then automatically set on Primrose's quill and he frowned, "You have a nicer quill."

His tone almost sounded like he's displeased, thinking that maybe Primrose was saying it only to kiss ass. Probably because his quill, though different from the rest of the students, still considered as nothing compared to Primrose's.

She smiled, "Thank you. I just like yours better."

He was just looking at her before he turned his face away. Then, they started on adding the ingredients into the pot.

Back into Time (Tom Riddle x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora