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Primrose walked towards the coffee shop before entering, her eyes scanning for the owner and her son. Her eyes lit up as she saw the son was playing with the sugar and creamer's bottles at the table in the corner of the shop. It's an emotional sight for her actually, Mason had always been the lonely kid—an outcast because he was different. Maddie told her that he was mentally deficient. That explained why Mason didn't talk much and was believed to have a failed intellectual development and not able to competently function, socially.


She turned her head to the mother, Madeleine or Maddie for short called out to her from behind the counter. Primrose approached and sat on the chair on the counter, "Hello Maddie."

"It's good to see you here! Goodness gracious! What happened to your face?" Maddie grabbed her chin and tilted her face to the left then to the right. Primrose laughed, "Just a little misunderstanding."

"You shouldn't get into lots of fight at a young age, young lady. My God, look at this pretty face... a bruise like this—it's going to take time to heal." Maddie said.

"How are you?" Primrose changed the subject. Maddie let go of her chin and smiled, "We are never better. I couldn't thank you enough for helping me—" Maddie paused to look at her son at the corner before continuing, "—us."

"Like I said, I was just doing the right thing." Primrose replied. She shook her head in disbelieve, "But you're young! And brave! God!"

Primrose smiled. Maddie had been really nice to her even though they just met two weeks ago. It had been two times that she went to the coffee shop and Maddie recognised her, welcoming her with open arms.

Maddie then smiled, "What would you like to have?" Primrose scanned the menu before ordering, "I'll have one iced americano. Half water, five sugar."

"Coming right up."

A few minutes later, Maddie came back with the drink. Primrose stirred the drink with the straw before drinking the iced americano. She hummed in satisfaction when the coffee tasted exactly how she liked it to be.

Maddie was serving other customers when a loud voice echoed in the shop.

"Let go, you freak!" The man spat with an ear-piercing voice, making Mason flinch, covering his ears. Primrose quickly turned to see that the man was trying to take the sugar but Mason was holding on to it. Maddie quickly jogged towards them, "I'm so sorry, sir. This is my son, he's mentally deficient."

The man just stared and then left for his seat without saying anything.

It's for the best.

If he started to throw insults at Mason, Primrose would have lost her shit. Just as Maddie wanted to turn her face towards her, Primrose quickly turned away, ignoring that the incident ever happened so that Maddie wouldn't feel embarrassed.

The customers turned to what they were doing after quite some time, making Maddie less tensed, "Sweetie. You don't play with the sugar. The customers need them for their drinks."

Mason kept quiet.

When some of the customers left, Primrose noticed that the man who shouted at Mason also left. Then, Mason went to grab the sugar and put them on the table, rearranging the stuffs on the table.

Brown sugar, white sugar, creamer, what is he trying to do?

When he started to move them one by one, Primrose thought that she finally thought of something. She approached him and took one bottle, putting it to the side.

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