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The girls were chatting in the room when suddenly Calista started to give eye signals to Dahlia. Young noticed so she frowned, glancing at both of them, "What's up with you both?"

Dahlia shook her head, "Nothing."

Calista's eyes widened while smirking as if saying 'really now?'

"Okay something is definitely up. Spill it, you two." Lyra said, crossing her arms. Dahlia shot Calista a warning glare, making it more obvious to the others.

Primrose chuckled sarcastically, "You both make it too obvious."

Dahlia scoffed while staring at Calista, "Well clearly not me."

Calista shrugged, "I mean... it's a good news?"

"What's the good news?" Young asked. Dahlia wrapped her face with her palms while Calista made a face to encourage her to speak up. Dahlia shook her head slightly, "It's nothing."

Calista groaned, "Oh God, just tell them God damn it!"

"Tell us what?!" Lyra asked, starting to get impatient. Calista shrugged, "Fine, I'll do it for you. Dahlia is hmpfhmphfhmfph!"

Dahlia cupped her mouth, making Calista muffle her words.

Then it hit Primrose.

Any sound could be muffled when it's contained. Voices can be deafen by pressure—though not completely, just like how Dahlia applied pressure to Calista's mouth to avoid sound from coming out.

Perhaps she can do the same thing on the golden egg.

With water.

Submerging it into the water would apply pressure. Maybe that way, Primrose could actually see what's inside the egg without the ear-piercing sound coming out from it.

Calista pulled Dahlia's palm and quickly said, "Dahlia and Samuels are dating!"

The girls looked at Dahlia in amusement. Her face turned red and she looked down instantaneously. Primrose tilted her head to the side, "Why are you being hesitant to tell us about this?"

Dahlia shrugged, "I don't know... I guess I'm just afraid that it won't work. I don't know."

"Why?" Lyra asked. Dahlia sighed, "I like him but deep down... I'm not ready for this yet. I accepted him because I don't want to lose him."

Commitment issues, I see.

"What makes you not ready when you like him too?" Primrose asked. Dahlia shrugged, "I guess I'm just scared that I won't be good enough and it'll ruin everything, you know."

Ah so not commitment issues. She's just insecure.

"Why do you think you're not good enough?" Calista frowned. Primrose nodded in agreement, since she was going to ask the same thing.

"You see... there are lots of other girls that have the hots for Samuels and... they're all really pretty and everything."

"But you're pretty too." Young commented and the rest nodded in agreement. Dahlia chuckled dryly, "Thanks. But I still think I'm not."

"Nonsense. Dahlia, take your insecurity and shove it up your ass. You are pretty and Samuels chose you." Young crossed her arms.


"Come on, Dahlia. Don't overthink it. Enjoy it." Lyra said happily while spreading her arms out. Dahlia laughed, "Thank you... thank you, guys."

Primrose smiled. She had never thought Dahlia would be insecure about her beauty. As a female herself, she definitely think Dahlia was a beautiful woman.

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