Chapter 3~

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{author here!!! So I just realized I completely switched the point of view in the last chapter towards the end!! I'm so sorry for any confusion lol I didn't even realize}

I woke up on the couch, pizza box still laying on the table I sat up kind of confused
"Finally up? We fell asleep on the couch last night" I hear someone say from behind me
I turn around and it's dabi. Cooking what looked like was breakfast. Shirtless. I'm black sweatpants. I immediately turn back around. "Holy sh•t" I thought to myself I knew I was blushing
"Go put a d•mn shirt on, idiot" I yell
"Hmm..why?" He says back
"Because you have to!" I yell
"I don't remember your parents telling me I had to keep a shirt on at all times" he says
"Okay! But no one said you could walk around without one! It's common sense" I yell
"Hm..I also don't remember anyone telling me I couldn't walk around without one?" He said
"Why are you so difficult?" I say
"Why do you have a problem with me not wearing a shirt?" He says
"Whatever" I say as I get up to throw away the pizza box trying to avoid looking at dabi
"So I made breakfast, you want yours right now?" he asks
I look up at him on accident and we lock eyes
"Uh- I- uh- sure..thanks" I say barely managing to speak
He hands me a plate and I go and sit on the couch and start eating
About a minute later I see a hand reach beside me and sit a drink beside me. I almost choked on my food. Dabi then sits beside me about a foot away and starts eating while watching tv

{time skip again brought by me!}

Me and dabi both have finished our food and I get up to put our plates in the dish washer
"So any plans?" He asks as I set back down on the couch
"Dabi. We are in a quarantine, theres the corona virus. It's not like we can do much" I say
"You wanna go for a walk or something I don't know? I'm bored" he says
"That would actually be kinda nice" I say
"Okay I'm gonna go change my clothes" I say
"Gotcha I'll be doing the same" he says as you went upstairs to change
After a few minutes you walk down the stairs
"You look nice" he says
"Thanks let's go" I say pushing his compliment aside
I grabbed a coat and go and he locked the door behind me and we start walking on the side walk

{about 25 minutes later}

We've been walking for awhile now, "hey I'm getting kinda thirsty. You wanna stop at the gas station up the road?" Dabi asks
"Sure" you say
"Wait..Race you b•tch!" I yell as i start running
"D•mn you!!!" He said laughing a bit and running after me
We both are running until we reach the gas station
"I totally beat you!" I say laughing
"F•ck you!" He said laughing a bit while catching his breath
We walk in the gas station and go to the back and grab a drink and walk back to the front where dabi's  waiting with a monster, we both check our things out and before we walk out we hear the cashier lady say "Awh you guys are such a nice couple! I saw you running and laughing out there together!"
Dabi started laughing a bit
"No ma'am I'm sorry we're just friends!" You say kinda nervously
"Ohh I'm sorry! I think you guys would still look nice together though!" She said laughing
"It's fine" Dabi says still laughing
We both walk out and start walking towards the side walk
"Yo girl you look fine!" Some random man yells at me
"Play along" Dabi whispered in my ear
He put his arm around my waist and grabbed my  hand and pulled me closer to him,
"Dabi-" i say in a surprised tone of whisper
"Shh" he says, he then gives the random man a stern look and flips him off
"Oh sh•t I'm sorry man!!" The random man said
Once dabi was sure he couldn't see us, he let go of me
"What. Was. That." I asked
"That man was hitting on you!" He said to me
"But why couldn't we ignore it?" I ask
"Because it's not something to ignore! Plus your parents wanted me to protect you! So that's what I did!" Dabi says
"Okay fine, thank you" I say
"Mhm" he says
We continue walking and eventually reach the house, we both change back into comfy clothes and set down on the couch with our drinks
"You know I still can't believe that lady thought we were together" Dabi says
"I know right!! Haha then she was like oh sorry!" We both say laughing
Although we were laughing a joking around something deep down just didn't feel right it's like in that moment things were perfect. I was with him..we were laughing, and I felt like it should've been more..we should be more

Word count: 871!

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