Chapter 7~

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Hey author here and omg- this story is sitting around 900-950 views, and moved up to number 1 in dabi x reader! I'm literally crying Omg thank you guys so much I really appreciate this🥺💕anyways, on with the story!

I woke up leaning on dabi with my blanket half off me. He was still sleeping
"What time did we fall asleep last night?" I thought to myself, I decided to check the time and it was 3 pm?
"Well..we must have been up pretty late.." I thought to myself
I go back to the couch and grab the food and other trash and start putting things where they belong
Once I was done I went back to the couch and figured just to let dabi sleep..he's much more peaceful that way anyway.
I sat back down and slowly leaned back up against dabi and covered myself back up with the blanket. I then grabbed my phone got comfortable and started scrolling through TikTok

{ 30-40 minute time skip :) }

I felt dabi moving, I looked up and he was slowly waking up. I felt him trying to get up but then lay back again
"Were you going to get up?" I ask
"Yea. You're laying there and I didn't want to make you lay somewhere else so I just stayed down." Dabi said
"Sorry you make a pretty nice pillow" I say while sitting up, dabi laughed a bit as he leaned forward
"What time did we go to bed last night because it was about 3 pm when I woke up?" I ask him
"You fell asleep around 4 am and I fell asleep shortly after" Dabi said
"Ohh okay cool" I say
"Yeah." He says
"Do you wanna go down to the gas station and grab drinks?" I ask
"Sure but can we drive? I don't feel like walking" he asks
"It's just down the road but okay" I say laughing
"But! I get to drive!" I say while grabbing the keys
"Fine" Dabi says laughing
He opens the door for me and we both walk out, I then lock the door back and go get in the car once dabi is in I start the car
"Don't kill us" he says
"I can drive dumb•ss" I say while pulling out of the driveway
"Okay...we'll see" he says
I start driving Down the road and things go pretty smooth, once we get there we both get out and go in
"Ohh it's you two from the other day! Hello! Nice to see you both again!" I turn to see the lady from the other day that was here and asked about me and dabi
"Oh hi!" I say as I walk to the back to grab a drink
Dabi waves and grabs a monster energy drink
As I walk back to the front, we both set our stuff on
"Okay total will be $7.99!" The lady says, I start to pull out cash until I feel someone grab my hand
"I'll pay for it" I hear as the pressure is taken off my hand..I look up and it's dabi
"Oh- uh- you sure?" I ask
"Yup" he says as he pulls out a leather wallet and lays money on the counter
"Okay here's your receipt! Have a nice day!!" The lady says
"You too ma'am!" I say as I walk out
"Well thank you for paying" I say to dabi as we walk back to the car
"No problem" he says
We get back in the car and I drive us back home
Once we are back inside I go and sit on the couch and turned on the Tv and since it was only about 3:30 pm, I decided to watch Tv for a bit.
After a few minutes dabi came and sat across from me
The way he looked at me before he sat down gave me butterflies..I looked over at him and he seemed to be focused on the Tv and I couldn't help but stare..he has the most exotic light blue eyes..the scars really brought them out too..
"What are you starting at me for?" He said while turning his head to me
What?! How?!
"Nothing, your scars are cool" I say
"What- really? I've never had anyone tell me that..most say they are disgusting and weird?" He says
"Not to me they aren't" I say to him


What?..that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me..why doesn't she find them weird like anyone else would? Why isn't she like the rest?..


For a second he seemed to be lost in thought...
"Well's honestly the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me" I all of the sudden hear and look up to see it's dabi
"You're welcome" I say softly
He turned to me and smiled?! He smiled?! Woah-

{time skip <3}

"It's about 6, should we find something for dinner?" Dabi asks
"Yeah probably. Do you want to get takeout from somewhere or make dinner here?" I ask
"It's up to you" Dabi said
"Hmm...I think we should try and make something!" I say
"Okay sure lets do it. But what are we making" he asks me..there was even a hint of an exciting tone in his voice
"Let's do something easy! Like spaghetti!" I say while standing up
"Okay let's go do it" he says as he also stands up
We walk over to the kitchen and I grab noodles out of the cabinet
"Okay now go and fill a big bowl with water" I say instructing dabi
He goes and rummages through the cabinets until he finds a bowl big enough, he then goes and fills it up with water, once he's done I go and grab the bowl and put it in the microwave and microwave it so the water in it will get hot
Once it's done I open the box of noodles and start breaking them
"Can I help with this part?" Dabi asks
"Yes, come here" I say laughing
We start breaking the noodles and putting them into the bowl
"Now put that in the microwave and put it on like..3 or 4 minutes" I say as I went to grab the hamburger meat from the fridge, I set it on the counter top and dabi watched me. I reach down to grab a pan and set it on the stove and turned the stove on, I open the hamburger and start putting it in the pan, okay now we have to cook this I say
Just about that time the microwave goes off and I put it on another 4 minutes
I start breaking up the meat and moving it around so it isn't all put together
"Hey will you find me the spaghetti sauce?" I ask dabi
"Oh- yeah" he says and walks to the fridge and starts looking
I noticed the meat was starting to cook in some spots
So I turned my attention to it

{time skip}

Once the meat was cooked i let dabi pour in the sauce and mix it up
"Okay and we're done!" I say while doing jazz hands
"I think we did pretty good" Dabi says
"Now let's eat" I say as I go and grab plates
Once I was done with both our plates I used my quirk to get us both a fork and drinks
I took a bite of my food as dabi did the same
"Holy sh•t that's amazing" he said
"I know right!" I say as we continue eating
"You know..I'm glad we did's been awhile since I've had a home cooked meal" he said with a small smile
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it" I say

{time skip}

We finished our food and are now sitting on the couch, both of us are on our phones
I honestly also glad we made the was nice doing it with him

Word count: 1385✨
Hope you enjoyed! We are starting to get close the the finale btw!! So it won't be long!!
Also please go follow my friend and check out her stories! Her @:

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