Just a few things to clear up!! (U dont have to read lmao)

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Okay so ive gotten many comments on things- and I have decided to speak on them lmao-

1. (I've only seen a few comments on this but idc) so you may have noticed the time it was always something like 3:00 or 3:30. This was because I'm not creative with time and when it came to it I had no idea what to do so being as clueless as I was, I went with the basics

2. I have seen many many many many (and many more manys) comments on this but about like chapter 1-2, I was very new to this- this was also the first book I've ever had get any recognition- so THE PRESSURE WAS THERE- and still being new to this I figured it would be more... spicy and much better then playing things off normally. I definitely didn't exactly mean to have things move that fast but it happened🤣and I regret it and I'm so sorry- Plus about y/n stuttering, it was the basic y/n stereotype- so I went with it too, but soon realized I wanted things much different lmao

3. OML YALL ARE SO PRESSED OVER THIS ONE- I've spoke on this before but I AM STILL GETTING COMMENTS- In the story macaroni and cheese(I think), spaghetti, and bacon were all made in a microwave. I've seen many people say you are supposed to make all of those on a stove. WELL IDK MAYBE IM WEIRD BUT I MAKE ALL OF THOSE IN A MICROWAVE AND SO DOES MY ENTIRE FAMILY- it's much faster tbh- and we usually buy preheated bacon and you just heat it up and it's ready- so no, I will not get salmonella lmao- and I bet you ALL money that if you were to make any of those in a microwave, you wouldn't taste a difference at all. :)

Anyways, that's all besties- if you have any more comments or things you're confused ab just let me know and I'll explain the best I can🤣 I also still need another character for my next book- so give me some suggestions please, I'm begging. Bye 😙😙

Word count: 365

It's been weeks since I've even checked Wattpad AND Okay so I thought I was done with questions BUT WELL BESTIES IT SEEMS LIKE YALL GOT A LOT MORE-

4. I've seen a few people ask if I can make another chapter where we tell the parents. My answer to this is, if y'all want it that bad then sure why not lmao. 

5. This is another that I've only seen few people ask, but people have pointed out how this all happened over the span of weeks, and how fast things moved. And I literally saw these comments coming. Even while writing it I realized how fast thing were moving. And I didn't know how to slow it down. I'm not creative at all and had my friend come up with the plot of each chapter. She even gave me the idea for the finale (her @ is @Dark-heart52)

6. Not too many people said it at first but now I have A LOT of people pointing out how the parents are literally fairytale parents. Like how the parents are leaving for 3 months or whatever and didn't get mad over the whole quirk thing. A lot of you have said that parents are way different and I agree 100%. My parents are way different than that too. But as said I was very new to this, this was my first book to get absolutely any recognition, and the pressure was there! So I went with the typical movie/book parents stereotype. And on the other hand, a lot of people are very appreciative of me making the parents not strict. It's confusing.

7. People are saying stuff like "I can just smell that y/n is gonna get pregnant" LIKE NO. I hate small children and I hate when y/n gets pregnant. It's honestly insulting that you guys would even talk about y/n being pregnant like wtf/jk

8. Wow. I didn't see this one coming at all but apparently a lot of you wanted it. I've had SO MANY PEOPLE ASKING ME TO MAKE IT SPICY. AND ALONG WITH THAT IVE HAD PEOPLE ASK THAG IF I DO WILL I BRING HAWKS INTO IT- listen- y'all- I tried to stay in the mindset of "what if a family member read this" so uhm all I can say is that IF YALL REALLY WANT IT THAT BAD- then it's gonna take A LOT of convincing- AND I MEAN A LOT

Anyways that's all, I'll be back to answer more questions if needed. I would just reply to the comments but something is wrong with the stuff I used to sign up or whatever anyways BYE BESTIES-

New word count: 819

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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