Chapter 13!!!

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Y'all the moment you have all waited for!!! I'm excited lol, keep in mind that this chapter is back in y/n's pov!! Thank you all so much for 28.3k reads💖💖💖💖it makes me so happy lmao- also I'm sorry that a few chapters ago for the spaghetti that it was microwaved- maybe I'm just weird but I've never made it on a stove lol I've also never made macaroni and cheese on a stove (people think I'm weird for this fsfsfss) and I'm SORRY I'm BUSY and UPDATES GET SLOW ASF My motivation goes 📉📈📉📈 lmaooo so im so sorry for leaving you guys waiting here it is

Dabi got up just a few minutes ago and said he had to make some calls so he went outside, I wonder what the calls are about... "does it have something to do with the way he's been acting today?" I thought to myself
About five minutes later Dabi came back in,
I gave Dabi a look of... uncertainty I guess you could say, as he walked back to the couch.
He sat down and put his phone aside
"What now?" He asks
"I don't know, I didn't even plan to get groceries? But here we are" I say
He rolls his eyes and turns away to focus
"By the way we do have plans later today." Dabi said
"We?" I ask
"Mhm... yup" Dabi says
"Okay... and what are these plans" I ask
"You'll see" Dabi says
"Alright I guess" I say
Just about then we heard the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it." Dabi said as he looked at me then got up
Dabi went to answer the door and saw a man with some packages. He looked at me I guess assuming they were mine.. but they weren't.. they were his birthday gifts-
"Oh my god oh my god" I thought to myself, I really didn't expect to have him answer the door or even be in the same room when they arrived.
Dabi had just shut the door and sat the packages on the counter top. He went and sat back down and I got up.
"Actually.. will you come open these?" I ask
"What? Why? I didn't order them." He said
"Well duh... but I ordered them for you" I said
"Uh okay.." Dabi said as he got up

*TW!!!! Scissors mention!!!!*

Dabi grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the tape off the boxes
He started opening them and looked at me
"Are you serious?" He said
"Yes." I said
"Why?" He asked me
"Because it was your birthday and I thought about how I only got you a cake" I said
"You really did not have to. Like really did not" he said

*time skip to once he had opened and looked at all of them*

"Did you like them?" I asked
"Yeah actually, and thank you.. a lot" Dabi said
"You're welcome" I said
He went and put his clothes away and stuff and I threw away the boxes
We both then went to sit down on the couch

{time skip to around dinner}

Me and Dabi had went with something simple, just sandwiches. I was still curious on what these plans he made were. I guess I'd find out eventually though..
"Okay um we should be able to leave in about 15 minutes for the thing I have planned" Dabi blurts out
"Okay.. is there something in certain I need to wear for this?" I ask
"You should probably bring a bathing suit, But other than that, no. Wear whatever you'd like other than that." Dabi says
"Hm.. okay" I say

This honestly just made me more curious about what he had planned..there was honestly no telling.. and now I know that most likely I'll get wet? I'm dying to find out...

{time skip, there's now about 5 minutes until we leave}

I put a bathing suit on under my clothes just in case, and put on some shoes and went downstairs.
"You ready to go?" Dabi asked me
"Yeah let's go, you're driving" I say
"Okay" Dabi says
As I was walking to my side of the car, Dabi came and opened the car door before I could
*I laughed a bit* "what are you doing?" I ask
"Eh don't worry about it" Dabi says
I give him a confused look and smiled as he walked around the car and gets in The drivers seat
"Do you have everything you need?" Dabi asks me
"Yeah I'm good let's go, I'm ready to find out what you have planned!" I say

{we had been driving for about 25 minutes now}

"Not to be annoying or anything..but are we almost there..?" I ask
"Yeah" Dabi said

{about 5 minutes later}

"Okay we are here" Dabi said
*I looked around To see it was a forest with a path?*
"Uhm, where are we" I ask
"Don't ask just come on" Dabi said as he started walking
I followed
"Do you plan to lure me out here and murder me? I mean it would make sense.." I asked
*Dabi laughed* "no I'm definitely not gonna murder you" dabi said in a happy tone

After a few more minutes of walking we finally got to some cave looking thing

"" Dabi said
"...a cave?" I said
"Yup, come on let's go" Dabi said
"Okay..." I said

{we started walking through the lantern lit cave}

We made it to the spot and I looked around to see a picnic set up, there were string lights across the ceiling of the cave and to the side was a hot spring

"Wow..." I thought to myself
"Do you like it..?" Dabi asks
"Yeah, I love it. It's beautiful. But why did you set all this up?" I ask
"Uh.." Dabi hesitated
"Come onnnn just tell me already!" I say
"Well uh I've been kinda scared to say this because I didn't know how you would feel about it and I thought maybe this would lighten it but uhm... I like you and I underst-" Dabi says before I cut him off
"Uh it's okay! Don't be nervous or anything! I like you too.. I kinda have since I saw you" I said
"Really..?" Dabi asks
"Yeahh.." I say
"I never would've thought to be honest that you liked me too" Dabi said
"Yeah.. I never thought you liked me" I said
"Well I do.. so.." he said as he gestured towards the picnics area with strawberries and other things
"Oh yeah!" I said and walked over to sit down
Dabi sit down in front of me and got quiet
"Nervous?" I ask
"Just a little to be honest" Dabi said
"Don't be! There's nothing to be nervous about hehe" I said
"I'll try" Dabi said smiling
"So when and how did you have time to set this up?" I ask
"Well the calls I made?" He says
"Yeah what about them?" I ask
"I called my friend toga and told her about the whole liking you thing and she was pretty excited and was down to set it up" Dabi said
"Ohhh that makes sense! So is this also why you've been so nice to me?" I ask
"Yeah.. I'm not very good with feelings and stuff and honestly I didn't know what to do to try and express it so I tried to be nice and stuff"
"Ohh I knew you were up to something, but not something like this" I said
*Dabi laughed before he got up and took off his shirt*
"What are you doing" I asked while laughing
"I'm getting in the water" he said with a smile

*I watched as he stepped in and sat down*

"Wow..toga did pretty good.. this is nice" Dabi said
"Come on, get in" he added
"Okay..!" I said as I took off the clothes on top of my bathing suit
I noticed Dabi looking me up and down and I blushed a bit. He noticed that and laughed.
I stepped into the water and sat down beside Dabi
I took a second to enjoy it..the water felt nice
"So uh..will you.." Dabi hesitated
"Be your girlfriend? Yes. No questions asked. Yes." I say
"Really? Okay!" Dabi said
I smiled and things got quiet
I then moved closer to Dabi
He turned to me and I turned to him.. I noticed he was looking at my lips


Dabi then suddenly kissed me..I kissed back.. after about a minutes or two he pulled away

"Uhm wow.." I said
"I'm sorry.." Dabi said
"Don't be sorry" I said

And I kissed him again~

ALSO PLSSSSS give me ideas for my next book! Like I was thinking maybe shigaraki, hawks, L (deathnote), toga maybe? GIVE IDEAS BESTIES PLSSS

word count: 1532
That's all for rn!! <33

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