Chapter 5~

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I woke up, dabi still on my legs. And saw it was already daylight and I checked my phone and it was 2PM?! What? We slept that long? Well we did stay up till around 2 or 3 last night..
I got up trying not to wake dabi but as I moved my leg he woke up
He looked around for a second.."the h•ll..what time is it?" He asked then
"It's already 2PM." I tell him
"D•mn..we slept in late.." he says
"Yup" I say
"Any plans?" He asks me
"Nope unless you wanna go grab lunch at a drive thru somewhere" I say
"K then, let's go do that" he says
"Okay I'm not gonna change or anything since it's only I drive thru, I'll just grab some shoes" I say
"Yeah same here" he says
I walk upstairs and put on a pair of shoes and head back downstairs
"You ready?" Dabi ask me
"Yup lets go" I say and we walk out the door
"Who's driving?" I ask
"I will" he says
"K" I say as I get in the passenger seat
We pull out of the driveway and onto the road and dabi starts driving,

{After about ten minutes}

The ride is going's not terrible but it could be better..I noticed he never uses his break, flips off anyone who makes him mad and that he hates slow drivers..he tried to rear-end one but I told him that wasn't a good idea and eventually talked him out of it
"Okay where do you want?" Dabi asks me
"I have no idea, it doesn't really matter to me. You pick" I say
"Okayyy hold on!" He says as he makes a U-turn and then turns left onto a road that looks almost abandoned
"Where in the h•ll are we going?" I ask
"Just wait! I'm taking you to a place where me and my friends go a lot, it's kinda run down looking but the food is amazing" he says
"Okay, whatever you say" i say

{about a 10 min time skip}

"How much farther is this place?" I say, I was getting kinda annoyed because I was hungry
"Calm down it's not to much further" Dabi said
I crossed my arms and moved my legs away from dabi, he then looked at me with a concerned look for a second
"What's wrong?" He then asks me
"Nothing I'm just hungry" I say
"Okay whatever you say" he says
"By the way the place is just up the road" he adds
"Okay" I say
He pulls up to a place that looks like a literal shack
"What the h•ll dabi" I say as I look over to him
He laughs and rolls his eyes as he pulls up to the drive thru

{we order our food}

"This better be good or i just might attack you" I tell him as a warning
I took a bite of my food, oh my god- that is amazing-
"Soooo?" Dabi says
"Two things. one, how do you know about this place and two this food is f•cking awesome." I say taking another bite
"One, my mom used to take me to this place I still have no idea how she knew about it though and two, I told ya" he said

{we continue eating and both finish our food}

"Alright let's head back home" I say
"K" Dabi says as he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road and starts heading home
We had been driving for about 5 minutes and I was getting bored so I decided to play on my phone, I opened TikTok and saw a video with someone doing a dance called the body challenge, "ive got to do this, it doesn't seem to hard it's just in and out with my hands, push up my yk and then do a little hip move and do it all that again then shake my a•s so ima do it when I get home" I said to myself, I then saved that video to my favorites for when we got home

{time skip to when you guys are home}

I got out of the car and walked to the door and opened it, I then walk upstairs to put up my shoes and practice the dance a few times on the mirror and then walk downstairs and open tiktok and go to my favorites and click on the video sound and set up my phone and click the timer and start it once the timer hits one I get prepared to do the dance,
"What the h•ll are you doing?" Dabi asks me
"Shut up its a TikTok" I say while laughing
The video then starts and I start dancing while dabi is leaning against the countertop beside me, it gets to the part where I shake my butt and right before I do dabi walks up and grabs me,
"I'm not about to let you shake your a•s on the internet" Dabi says
"Buzzkill..." I mumble
"Still not about to let you shake your a•s on the internet for some pedo to watch" Dabi says as the video ends
The then let's go of me and walks away back to the counter top
I start laughing, "you're so protective-" I say still laughing
"That's literally my job." He says also laughing a bit
I walked to the fridge and grab a drink and then go sit on the couch and dabi sits in the recliner across from me
It was only about 4 o clock so I got comfortable on the couch and watched TikTok

{time skip}
it was about 11 o clock now and me and I was still on the couch and dabi was still in the recliner but exact he was laying back
"I'm gonna head to bed so maybe I can get up a bit earlier tomorrow instead of 2 pm again" I say as I get up
"Okay goodnight I guess I'll head to bed too" he said
"Okay goodnight" I say as he roles over in the recliner
"Dabi, you realize there are two other bedrooms in this house, you don't have to sleep in here" I say
"Oh well if you want me to sleep upstairs I will" he says
"Okay the guest bedroom I'm across from mine" I saw walking upstairs
I walk into my room and then layed in my bed and got comfy
About 30 seconds later I saw dabi walk down the hallway, without a shirt on
"Night" he said
"Night and that shirt better be on my morning!" I say
"Gotcha boss" he says laughing a bit
He then walks into the guest room and I start to fall asleep

Word count: 1157
By the way Sorry this chapter is long!

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