Chapter 2~

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"Please be nice to him I swear it won't be that bad I hope you two can get along!" My mother says
"Love you y/n! See you in a few weeks!" my parents both say before walking out
I turned to dabi, "listen I'm not about to act like you control me and Listen to you!" I say to him
I suddenly feel him grab my throat while pinning my hands above me and slam me up against the wall behind me, "let me go you b•tch!" I say while struggling I get out of his grip which only made him tighten his grip. "Your going to listen to me. And who the h•ll do you think you are coming at me like that? Have some manners." He says before letting go and turning around
I run and tackle him. "Little girl what the h•ll do you think your doing?" He says
"B•tch I'm not a d•mn little girl! Who do you think you are slamming me up against a wall?!" I say screaming at him while punching his arms
"You liked it though." He said with a smirk which stunned me for a second and I could feel myself turn red. Then I snapped out of it and began hitting him again I get turned over and now he's on top of me and my wrists are pinned down
"Stop." He says.
While I got an idea. I activated my quirk and the purple and black smoke formed around me which I could tell surprised him. I then levitated him off me and he was now floating in the air while I got up
"Didn't expect that one, you've got a pretty bad•ss quirk ya know" he said
"Mhm" I left him floating while I got something to drink and began to sit down on the couch and watch tv
"So you gonna let me down or?" He said
"Eh I don't know..are you done being a jerk?" I say back
"Well are you done being a b•itch?" He said
I dropped him on the floor without warning.
"Ouch tf was that for" he asked
"You wanted down right?" I say as he rolled his eyes
"So my parents said you had a fire quirk? Show me." I say
"You got anything you don't care to be burned?" He asked
I got up and grabbed one of my school papers
"Stand back." He said and I took a few steps back
I watched as he focused and then I saw bright blue flames come from his hand and burn the paper to shreds-
I was kinda surprised, it was kinda impressive. "Wow" I say
He looked at me and smiled a bit
"So you gonna show me around or what?" He said
"Oh Um yeah"

{another time skip brought to you by me!}

I started leading him upstairs and down the hallway to my room, he looked around for a second "nice" he said as I continued walking down the hallway and I showed him the guest room
"I think this is where you'll be sleeping unless you want the couch" I said
"Hm I'll decide later on" he said
I then showed him my parents room and we went down stairs
"So what do you plan to do for lunch?" He asked
"I don't know I'll probably order pizza or Chinese" I say
"You can't cook?" He asks
"Well I can I just would rather not." I say
"You're just lazy haha" he said laughing a bit
"Okay dabi." I say sarcastically while laughing
"Hold on let me grab my phone I'll order pizza" you say
You called and ordered pizza
"Now we gotta wait" you say as you plop on the couch
Dabi sets down and pulls out his phone
"How did you get all those burns anyways?" I ask
"Quirk." He says
"Hm okay." You say
"So tell me about yourself." He says
" favorite color is (insert your favorite color), my favorite food is (insert your favorite food), I love to (insert something you love doing), I'm single and that's about it" you say
"My favorite color is black, my favorite food is steak, I like burning things with my quirk and I'm also single." He says looking up at you

{author here! This is just what I feel dabi would say! But if you think something else let me know!}

"Cool" you say
Just then your pizza arrives
"I'll get it" dabi says as he gets up and goes to the door once dabi opened I saw the pizza man give him a strange look and dabi just flipped him off
"Wow" I said laughing
"Oh well" he said laughing
You both sat down beside each other on the couch and ate pizza while you watch Tv

{word count: 841}
Also this was hard to write because I had to really think about how dabi would reply to things so I hope u like it!!

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