Chapter 1 - Coming Out

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- A few days later -

so, how did Charles react?
if you don't mind me asking

No, I don't mind
After I send the text to you, I panicked and could not tell him anymore

I think I have to talk to him about this in person

do it however you feel most comfortable
take your time. if you would rather say it in a message then do that. if you want to talk to Charles in person then you should do it like that instead. it's all up to you. there are no rules for coming out. this is all about you

Thank you for saying that. I'm so nervous about it.
How do you know so much about this?

well, I think I've watched about every coming out video there is on youtube and I've done it myself a few times

Oh, so you are gay too?

no, I'm pansexual actually. that basically means I don't care about the gender of the person I fall in love with

Ah okay that makes sense. Thanks for telling me

it's no secret. I came out to my family about a year ago but since then I just let people find out on their own. I don't feel the need to come out to every new person I meet and explain my sexuality to them. straight people don't have to do that either so I don't get why we constantly have to do that

Yeah, I wish it would just be normal for everyone and no big deal. But I guess that will take a few more years. Especially in our sport

oh yeah, in motorsport that's quite a difficult topic. but if it comes up in an interview or something like this I don't plan on lying or denying it. I wanna be myself, no matter what. And if somebody doesn't like that, that's their problem, not mine

I talked to McLaren about it and they are fine with it aswell, thankfully

I wish I was as brave as you. I'm so scared.

Especially of what Charles and Lorenzo will say. They are my big brothers, it's weird talking to them about it

Well, I don't really know Lorenzo that well, but believe me when I say that I don't expect Charles to have any problems with it.

and even if they don't react the way you want them to right away, they will always be your brothers and they will love you no matter what. just give them a little time, everythings going to be okay

I really hope so


I'm about to talk with Enzo. Wish me luck!

good luck! I know you can do it :)


OMG I actually did it! I came out to my brother. He said he already suspected it and that it doesn't change anything for him. I am so happy!

Yay, congrats! I'm really really proud of you.

Thanks for helping me. I don't think I could have done this without you

no need to thank me. that's what friends are for :)

I like that. Us being friends :)

Me too :)

Lando couldn't help but smile at his phone. He had spent half of his day texting Arthur and he hadn't even realized until now. He was really glad he was able to help him with coming out and that he had such a positive experience with it so far. He really wished it would stay this way for the younger one.

But since he knew how Charles had once reacted to him drunkenly confessing that he had kissed a boy before and since he had also realized how many times he had caught Charles staring at Max when he thought nobody was looking, Lando didn't think there would be any problems with the third Leclerc brother.

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