Chapter 11 - Pizza

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"Really?" Arthur now looked up from his hands hesitantly, finally meeting Lando's gaze.
"Yeah.", the older one murmured, suddenly feeling very insecure and nervous again.

"Oh my god, you're blushing so hard!" Arthur exclaimed, a big grin now plastered across his face. "I never imagined it to be this bad."

"I told you it would be horrible. I hate this so much." Lando tried to hide his face in his hands but Arthur quickly grabbed his wrists and pulled them away again, so he had to look at him. "It's not horrible, i like it. It's even cuter than it looked on screen.", he smiled, not letting go of Lando's hands.

The Brit couldn't help but return the smile now, a warm fuzzy feeling spreading inside his chest, even if his red face probably grew another few shades darker at those words.

They both jumped apart quickly, when there was a knock on the door and Charles' popped his head in only a second later. "Hey boys, we're ordering pizza now, do you want some, too?"


- Messages between Max & Charles -

Those idiots really think I don't realize they are holding hands under the table, it's hilarious

Omg, how fucking cute can they be?

But apparently they are not officially together yet
Arthur almost had a heart attack earlier because I called Lando his boyfriend :D

Well, if they're holding hands then I don't think it's gonna take that long anymore

I hope so
Or else I'll have to help them a little :)

No Charles! Don't meddle in your brother's love life

Oh come on, I'm the only reason they even know each other!

If you really want to interfere, you'll also have to give them the talk, once they're together...

What talk?

The sex talk
You'll have to talk to them about being safe, condoms, lube and all that stuff

Oh dear god, NO
I definitely do not want to talk or even think about Lando and my brother in bed

Then stop sticking your nose into things that are none of your business :P

Ok ok, I get it! I won't help them :(

I wonder who would be top and who'd be the bottom with those two

I fucking hate you, I did not want that thought in my head!!

I love you too :)


After they had finished eating dinner, Lando and Arthur quickly went up to the Monegasque's room again and decided to play some Fifa.
Lando almost felt sad about this for a second, because holding the PlayStation controller in his hands clearly meant that he couldn't hold Arthur's hand anymore.

It had felt like his heart just wanted to jump straight out of his chest, when he had felt Arthur shyly sneaking his hand over and intertwining their fingers under the table. Thankfully pizza could easily be eaten with only one available hand.

However, the younger one seemed to have a solution to this problem now: He sat so close next to Lando on the bed, that their arms were touching from shoulder to elbow.

"Wow, you really suck at this!" Arthur laughed, when he had beaten the other for the third time in a row. "Well, I would be much better if you'd stop distracting me so much!" Lando shot back, trying to look as angry as possible, but failing miserably as he couldn't hold back the grin anymore. To emphasize his words, he gave the other's shoulder a little shove with his own.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" Arthur's eyes widened and he quickly scooted a little further away.
"No! It's okay, I was just joking. It was ... a good kind of distraction." Lando tried to explain, already missing the contact betweem them again.

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