Chapter 26 - Race

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Lando jumped out of the car, a massive grin spreading across his face under the helmet. He couldn't quite believe it yet. He had actually done it. He had just scored his very first podium in Formula 1.

He could barely feel the congratulating hits on his helmet and shoulders from his crew because his whole body felt kind of numb and buzzing. It felt like a dream.

Even after the podium ceremony, he still hadn't quite realized that this was actually happening in real life, so he tried to subtly pinch his own arm to make sure, he wasn't just dreaming all of this.

Being subtle had never really been one of his strengths though, so he wasn't really surprised when he heard Zak behind him. "It's not a dream, dude. You actually did it!"

When Lando turned around to his boss, he was met by a wide, cheerful grin before he was pulled into a bone-crushing hug once again.
"And now you should go and celebrate, I think there's someone waiting for you outside." Zak winked and nodded his head in the direction of the door.

Confused, Lando turned around to see what his boss was talking about and spotted Arthur, standing in front of the building. He had a huge smile on his face and was fiddling with his phone.

As he walked up to him, Lando tried not to look too excited to see his boyfriend, they were still in public after all, even when there was nobody around at the moment. However, he didn't really do a good job of hiding the grin on his face. At least he could restrain himself from jumping the Monegasque right then and there.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were celebrating Charles' second place with him."

When Arthur looked up at him, his face lit up even more.
"I did, but Charles basically kicked me out and told me to go see you because I was an 'annoying little idiot only gawking at pictures of his boyfriend on his damn phone', apparently." He drew little quotation marks in the air with his fingers. "As if it's my fault that you look so incredibly sexy on that podium.", he smirked. "I'm so proud of you!"

"I love you!" Lando blurted out before he could stop himself.

They had texted each other those three little words a lot over the last few weeks but neither of them had actually said them out loud yet.

The Brit had planned to do this a lot more romantically, maybe when they had a nice dinner date or something similar. But now those special words had just come out of his mouth without him even thinking about it. In the middle of the paddock, while he was drenched in sweat and champagne. 'Great job, Lando. Way to ruin a special moment!' he scolded himself mentally.

Arthur however, didn't seem to care about this at all. The already giant smile on his face seemed to grow even wider as he quickly took a look around them, grabbed Lando's hand and then pulled his boyfriend with him around the building into a more hidden corner.

And before Lando could even say anything, he had pushed him against the wall and kissed him passionately. Only now, as his whole body tingled and flooded with excitement and love for this boy, he realized how much he had actually missed having his boyfriend close. It was like a missing piece that finally completed a puzzle.

Standing on that podium had been the best feeling Lando had ever felt in his life until then, but when Arthur pulled away again and whispered "I love you too, little spoon." it was even better.



As you can see, this was the last chapter of this story, but don't worry: There's gonna be another little bonus chapter soon :)

I'm really having a hard time with letting these cuties go and ending this story as well. Even though I'm really proud of myself for actually finishing it now, after months of writer's block.

I'm really sorry updates were so slow and all of this took so long, but I still hope you enjoyed it :)
Thank you!


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