Chapter 12 - Guest room

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"Oh." Arthur almost whispered, looking down at his hands, still holding the controller and then carefully shuffled closer to him again, their arms now slightly touching.

Lando found this new shy side of Arthur incredibly cute. Even though he also hadn't minded the more straight-forward, flirty side of him on the phone, at all.

"Sorry, I'm so awkward in person, you probably expected all of this to be totally different.", the younger one mumbled, still not meeting Lando's eyes.

"Stop apologizing so much! You're perfect the way you are and I'm glad I'm finally here. I like this shy Arthur just as much as I like the confident one." Lando tried to ignore the slight blush creeping up his cheeks again as he reached out to softly place his fingers under Arthur's chin and lift it, so he could look into his eyes.

"I'm also glad you're here. Just a bit overwhelmed by the way that makes me feel, I guess.", Arthur admitted and made Lando feel like his heart was doing backflips in his chest with those words.

The Brit quickly retracted his hand and Arthur jumped slightly, when there was another knock on the door. They both must have looked at Charles, who was now standing at the door, with such a shocked expression, that the older brother now stumbled over his words. "Sorry, if I ... umm ... interruped something. I just wanted to tell you that Mum has prepared the guest room for you, so ... you know, if you want, it's the door just across the hall. But you don't have to, of course ... I just wanted to let you know."

Before Lando could even react to his words, Charles had already disappeared again. 

"Is it just me or has Charles suddenly just gotten really awkward as well?" Arthur looked back at him, rising one eyebrow, a slight smile on his lips. "Yeah, I think he might have thought we were ... doing something different, when he came in."

"That cute blush of yours is going to be the death of me, I swear." Lando could feel his face burning even more at Arthur's words than it had already. Where was this sudden confidence coming from now?

Arthur must have realized this abrupt change in his own behaviour too, because Lando could now feel his body tense next to him, as the younger fixed this gaze at the screen in front of them again and rushed to start another game.


"Oh come on, it's obvious you're not even trying anymore now." Arthur grinned, as he had just won another match by miles.
When Lando didn't react, he looked over at him. The Brit was half sitting, half lying next to him, sleeping peacefully.

Arthur had to use all his self control to not let out a high-pitched squeal at this sight. Lando sleeping like this was the cutest thing he had ever seen. He had already loved the sight when they were video chatting but now Lando was actually sleeping in his bed. He still couldn't quite believe it.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, to not wake the older boy up, Arthur turned off the TV and pulled the duvet over the two of them. 'Fuck the guest room' he thought, as he carefully laid down next to Lando, who turned around in this sleep, pressing his back to Arthur's chest now and let out a slight snore.

The monegasque couldn't help but smile at this adorable sound the other had just made and gently put his arm around him. Finally he could be the big spoon to his little spoon he thought, before drifting off to sleep as well.

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