Chapter 4 - Big Spoon

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Guess what :)

what :)

I just finished setting up my new pc!

omg yes! Finally :)

I'm so happy, you can't imagine

oh yes, I can because I'm just as happy ;-)
we can finally play games together and you can stream with us again soon

Charles actually wants me to join your stream tonight

yes please, that's perfect!

I'm looking forward to it :)

me too :)

- Later that evening -

After Lando had ended his stream, he quickly went to the bathroom, changed and cuddled into his bed, grabbing his phone from the nightstand to text Arthur - just like every night.

I was so confused earlier, because I thought it was Charles calling me a little shit for nothing, but then I realized it was you :D
how the hell do you two sound so alike?

Yeah sorry about that, I almost called you little spoon and then I panicked and that was the only safe i could think of in that moment

np, i figured :P

Lando's heart skipped a beat when his phone started ringing, showing him, that Arthur was calling him. He waited a few seconds, maybe the other had just accidentally tapped the button and would immediately hang up again.
But his phone kept ringing. The Brit held his breath as he accepted the call and brought his phone up to his ear.

"Hi" the familiar soft voice spoke from the other end and Lando could have sworn, he could hear that Arthur was smiling.

"Hey, why are you calling me?"

"You really need to learn the difference between Charles' and my voice."

"Um yeah, I guess that would help a lot. It's so much harder on the stream though, because everybodys talking at the same time."

"Then I might just have to call you little spoon every time I'm talking, so you know it's me"

"Please don't, I won't be able to hide my ugly blush from the stream then. The chat will go insane."

"Oh it makes you blush when I call you that? I didn't know!"

"I blush so easily, it's the worst. My face is such a traitor."

"I bet it looks cute."

"Oh no, definitely not!"

"We will see about that."

"Oh will we?"

"Definitely! I'm on a mission now."

"To see me blush? Oh god."

Lando couldn't stop smiling through the entire phone call. They ended up talking about anything and everything and only realized how long they had actually been talking for, when Arthur suddenly gasped

"It's getting lighter outside again. The sun is starting to rise, I can see it through my window."

"Fuck, then we should probably go to sleep now."

"Yeah probably. It feels like we have only been talking for a few minutes, how is that possible?"

"No clue, my phone tells me it has actually been almost 7 hours. I only realize how tired I am right now.

"Sleep well, little spoon."

"You too, big spoon."

Lando wanted to hang up, but hesitated when he noticed, what he'd just said.

"Wait, are you actually a big spoon? I mean ... do you prefer that?"

He could feel his face getting red again, as he stumbled over the words.

"Yes, as long as you're my little spoon, I will happily be the big one. Good night."

And with that Arthur hung up.

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