Chapter 2 - Questions

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Lando couldn't help but smile, when Charles announced, that Arthur would join their twitch stream today.

It had been almost two weeks since the youngest Leclerc brother had accidentally come out to him and since then there almost hadn't been a day they hadn't texted each other at least once.

Talking to Arthur just felt so easy. They had so much in common they could talk about and Lando didn't even mind the casual "What's up?" and "How are you?" smalltalk-texts from time to time, that he normally tried to avoid and hated with a passion.

Talking to Arthur always managed to make him smile, no matter what. Even at these times, where races were cancelled and he had to self-isolate at home, it was always something to look forward to.


Arthur wasn't able to join their stream after all, because of technical issues. Lando tried his best to hide it and continued joking and laughing with the others, but he was a little disappointed. He had been really excited for gaming with Arthur. So when they were done, he immediately texted him.

just ended the stream. sucks that you couldn't join today

Yeah, I definitely need a new pc!
It just completely shut down and I can't even play games on my own now.

shit, so sorry to hear that. I can imagine how bored you have to be now

I have never been this bored in my life! It's the worst
But now you're done with the stream so I can talk to you instead :)

well, it seems like I have no other choice really :D

No, you don't :)
Let's ask eachother some random questions and answer them honestly
I really wanna get to know you better

did you actually just manage to ask me to play 21 questions with you without sounding like a total fuckboy?
wow i'm impressed

I feel attacked

it's true though ;-)

You just used a fucking winky face emoji!
If one of us here is a fuckboy it's definitely you!!

guilty as charged ;-)

Oh my god

;-) ;-) ;-)


ok ok, i'll start
what's your guilty pleasure song?

My what?

you know, a cheesy song you really love but you'd never admit it

Shake It Off by Taylor Swift for sure

damn, that boy's got taste :D

Shut up, my turn
Fuck, I did not really think this through
I have no idea what to ask

idiot ;-)
just ask me anything you want to know

Stop with the winking faces!!
How old were you when you first realized you're not straight?

15 I think
when was the last time you cried and why?

About 2 months ago I think
Anniversary of the day my father died

oh shit, I'm so sorry! I didn't think about that

Don't worry about it
Let's just keep going please, I don't want to be sad right now

sure, no problem
but if you ever need someone to talk about it (or anything really) I want you to know that I'm here
it's your turn

Thank you. You can talk to me about anything aswell
What makes you happy at the moment?

talking to you
it's the only thing that really takes my mind off of all this pandemic shit currently and actually makes me smile
so thanks I guess ;-)

You will never stop using that stupid winky face, will you?

and you just wasted your next question for that ;-)


my turn again, no matter what that means
who's your favourite F1 driver?

Well, I think I have to say Charles or else he won't take me to the races anymore :D

I won't tell him, as long as it's actually me ;-)

Hm don't think so, but you're in my Top 5


My turn again
Big spoon or little spoon?

for cereal? big spoon for sure
for cuddling? little spoon


shut up

Never, I love it!

what? that I prefer to be the little spoon or that you can tease me about it now?

Both :)

you just completely missed the perfect opportunity to use a winky face emoji here, I'm very disappointed

I almost did, but it felt too creepy

Did you just indirectly call me a creep?

Maybe? :D

i hate you

No, you don't ;-)

omg you did it! finally, I'm so proud of you!!
but yeah, I don't ;-)

Knew it ;-)

ok, you're getting really into it, but that's my thing, so stop :(

Oh thank god, it was horrible :D

idiot :P
can barely keep my eyes open, I'm so tired
let's continue this tomorrow?

goodnight little spoon, sleep well

you too, idiot

Okay, so I figured out, that i can put the text on the right side by using my phone because it doesn't work on desktop unfortunately. So now I edited everything on my phone and hopefully it worked, so it's easier to read for you.
Lando should be in italics and on the right side now, while Arthur's texts are in bold and on the left.

Hope you liked the chapter and our two cuties flirting a little :)

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