Chapter 13 - Good morning

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Lando woke up when something tickled his neck. Praying that it wasn't a bug or a spider, he quickly opened his eyes.
For a second he was very confused about where he was. This was definitely not his bedroom. 

Then he noticed something heavy on his chest and the tickling on his neck again. He looked down. Arthur was half lying on top of him, his face nuzzled into Lando's neck, his breaths tickling the skin there.

A broad smile crept onto Lando's face as he realized that they must have fallen asleep last night and ended up cuddling. Apparently Arthur wasn't as shy when he was asleep, he thought and gently pulled him a little closer. He could definitely get used to waking up like this.

"Morning." he heard a voice, still a little raspy from sleep, mumbling against his skin.
"Good morning. Sorry, if I woke you up." Lando loosened his grip around Arthur, expecting the younger one to distance himself and maybe even be a little embarrassed about the position they had woken up in.

But Arthur didn't move away. He buried his face deeper into the crook of Lando's neck and pressed his body even closer. Lando was quite surprised by this, but took it as an invitation to tighten his grip again as well.

"What do you want to do today?" Arthur's lips slightly moving against his skin gave him goosebumps. "I don't know. Do you have something in mind?"

He could now feel the Monegasque smile against his neck. "Hmm, we could just stay like this for a few more hours."

"That sounds nice. But I think last night someone exchanced the shy Arthur for the confident one again. What happened?" he teased, poking Arthur's side playfully.

"I don't know, I guess I just feel more safe now. I had all of it planned out so nicely, that when I pick you up from the airport, I could finally hug you and then in the car on our way back I would hold your hand and when I show you my room we could finally cuddle, but then everything turned out so different and ruined my whole plan. So I didn't know what to do and got really awkward. I'm sorry, I just wanted out first proper meeting to be perfect and I fucked it up."

Arthur wanted to move after those words, but Lando gently pulled him closer again. "You didn't fuck it up! I think it's adorable, that you had a plan like that in mind and I can imagine that it would have been amazing. But that doesn't mean it was bad the way it really happened.  You held my hand while eating pizza and we're hugging and cuddling right now. So your plan has worked anyway." Arthur now lifted his head to look at him.

"Well, there might be one more thing that I had planned." he whispered, his eyes darting down to Lando's lips and then quickly up at his eyes again. "What is it?"
Lando held his breath. When had Arthur's face came so close to his? And when had his hand found it's way to his cheek?

The Brit's heart was beating so fast, Lando was sure, Arthur could hear it. He was so close now, their noses only millimeters apart.

"Boys, I made some breakfast, do you- oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Charles had shut the door again just as quickly as he had opened it, his face almost as red as the car he drove during the season.

Lando sighed. Arthur had brought some more distance between them again and played with the corner of the duvet in his hands, seemingly mortified by being interrupted by his older brother. Again. This had to stop, Charles needed to leave them alone.

So Lando picked up his phone from the nightstand next to he bed and sent a message to Max:

Please come here and pick up your cock-blocking boyfriend, or I will actually murder him

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