Chapter 23 - Without You

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Every day without Arthur seemed to be almost twice as long as the ones Lando had spent with him. Most of the time he was distracted by training, team meetings and preparations for the upcoming season, but at night it all caught up with him again.

When he was lying in bed, longing for Arthur to be lying next to him with his arms around him. They always video chatted or called at that time, but it was still not quite the same as his boyfriend's physical presence.

Lando tried not to let it show too much, but he knew Arthur saw how miserable he was without him. And the Monegasque wasn't much better himself. They always laughed and made jokes, but when the time came to say goodbye again, there was always this sad glint in his eyes. And it broke Lando's heart every single time.


It got only worse when the season started and he had to travel all across the world to race again while Arthur was still staying in Maranello. This meant that there was more of a time difference between them now and it was constantly changing.

When Lando was going to bed and wanted to fall asleep while listening to Arthur's voice, it often was the middle of the day for the younger one, which meant he was working and couldn't talk to his boyfriend.

So they made it their new ritual to send each other a little voice message every day after waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night. The other then listened to it, when he woke up a few hours later or when it was time for him to go to bed.


"Hey, my little spoon. You did amazing today! I wish I could have been there to cheer you on but nevertheless, you did such a great job and I'm so so so proud of you. I'm looking forward to giving you all the congratulations kisses soon. Only 42 days more now! Good night, sweet dreams!


"Good morning baby, I hope you slept well. I had a pretty ... let's call it interesting ... dream about you tonight. I'm going to tell you all about it in person in only 34 days, I can't wait. Have a great day!"


"Good morning. I wish I could be your big spoon and have you in my arms right now. It's so cold and empty, you are seriously missing in my bed. I hope you know that once these last 20 days are over, we have to spend at least one whole day in bed together, to make up for all this sleeping alone. I'm going to stay in bed, hug my pillow and dream about it for another few minutes. I miss you so much it hurts."


"Hi Arthur, I hope you had a better day than me. Qualifying sucked, I'm so disappointed with myself. I wish I could just hug you and forget all about it. 16 days feel like an awful lot right now. But it's gonna be the best day of my life when I finally get to see you again. So all the waiting and suffering will be totally worth it in the end, I can feel it. Sleep tight, my big spoon!"


Unfortunately, I can't send you a voice message right now because I'm still at Prema and there are people around me but I just can't keep it in any longer
I wanted to wait until I see you again but my heart is screaming louder than my head right now and I feel like I might die if I don't tell you
Seeing you next to Charles on TV today made me realize how much I see you as my family. But you don't only feel like family to me, you actually feel like home

You're my home, Lando Norris and I can't wait to come back to you <3
I love you


- Messages between Arthur & Charles -

What did you just text Lando?

Wtf Charles, that's none of your business!

Because he is smiling at his phone like a freaking madman
I think I'm actually going to puke, he's such a lovesick puppy

Because he is smiling at his phone like a freaking madman I think I'm actually going to puke, he's such a lovesick puppy

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That's so adorable

Are you going to tell me what you wrote if I send you more pictures of him?

Definitely not
But nice try :P

They both couldn't wipe the grins off their faces for the rest of the day.


So sorry for the long wait! Writer's block is a bitch.

I hope you liked the new chapter, even though I'm not 100% happy with it.

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