Shame on you, Clint

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-Clint POV-

How the hell did this kid learn to fight? He beat me for Christ's sake! He kept blocking every hit and deflecting every punch. He even pinned me down a few times and I barely managed to knock him off his feet. But in the end, I yielded.

Thor walked in the door during our spar. Percy noticed him but didn't acknowledge him. As I did too.

I was drenched in sweat. We've been sparring for about 15 minutes. Jeez, even Nat and I don't spar for that long. Tony, Steve, and Nat were  just staring at Percy in awe. Obviously not understanding how he did that. I'm even surprised how Nat was so in awe of Percy, even after she just made it obvious that she didn't like him.

Tony Stark's new intern beat Hawkere in a friendly fight. I'm going to be teased about that my entire life.

"JARVIS, did you get that?" Tony asked the AI with a growing smile on his face.

"Yes, Sir. It was captured on video. Would you like to see it?"

"No!" I shouted out before anyone could hello out the opposite

Steve started cracking up. Natasha started smiling which turned into a loud laugh. Tony was just watching the video on his computer even though I had already told the AI no. And Thor seemed to caught on to what happened and walked up to me and boomed, "SHAME ON YOU, CLINT."

"Why am getting scolded at by a Norse god?" I look everyone but nobody backs me up.

"Do better," Thor shoves a finger in my face, staring at me intensely.

He walked up to an intimidated-looking Percy and patted him on the back. "SON OF JACK, YOU GIVE ME GREAT PLEASURE. WOULD YOU LIKE A POPTART?" He offered his half eaten poptart which he probably got while we were sparring.

"Err, sure," Percy shrugged. He grabbed the poptart out of the gods hand and took a bite out of this. "Mhmm, is this the s'mores flavored one?" He asked to Thor. His eyes twinkled, obviously loving Percy. "Yes, yes! I have many more!"

"Got any blue ones?"

Thor snapped his fingers and a whole pile of blue pop tarts appeared in Percys hands. And Percy looked like he was about to die with the amount of pop tarts he was going to eat today.

Thor and Percy walked out of the room to eat the pop tarts. Oh great, we're going to have another poptart obsessed person in this building.

After Steve and Nat finally stopped laughing, (due to my angry face) we finally got serious.

"Okay I don't know how he learned to fight. But that kid is talented," Steve whistled.

"I agree," Nat nodded her head.

"Well, there's nothing for us to do really," Tony said.

True, I mean, this kid obviously has good intentions.

We were thinking a bit too intensely because none of us heard the sound of the door opening.

"Want some pizza?" Percy peered in the room, looking at all of us.

Everyone in the room was just as startled as me to hear a voice.

"Pizza sounds good," I said.

We all nodded our heads in agreement as Percy went to order from a local pizzeria place.


"I CALL THE BLUE ONE!" Percy yelled.

We were all still in shock that Percy made the pizzeria add blue food coloring to it. He grabbed the whole box and started eating from it. What's with him and blue food? I'll have to ask him about it laterz

Everyone soon got out of their shock and grabbed some plates, and we ate together. We were eating in the lounge room next to the training room. It had a small kitchen, some tables, a flat-screen tv, and other lots of comfortable chairs.

Percy kept asking us questions about our fights and how we met and many MANY other questions. Which Bruce was happy to answer. He came back once he realized he got pizza. Tony and Steve (like the immature kids they are) excitedly told Bruce everyone about what happened between me and Percy. They even showed him the footage of us sparring.

I have the biggest urge to facepalm.

I looked over at Percy who surprisingly ate a whole box of pizza. "What's the deal with blue pizza?" Natasha asked who seemed to have read my mind.

"Oh, this? It's technically not just blue pizza it's blue in general. Like blue coke, blue cake, blue cookies, blue everything. It's my favorite color,"Percy answered.

"But why?" Bruce asked.

"My ex-step-dad didn't think blue food was a thing, so my mom tried to convince him in every way possible, and it just became a little tradition. It just stuck with me," he answered once again.

"Your old step-dad?" I  noted.

Percys eyes darkened. "Yeah, he wasn't the greatest. He was abusive. But yeah, he's gone now. All good"

We realized that this was subject that Percy obviously didn't wanna talk about. So we just changed the subject.


"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm full," Tony announced to everyone, patting his belly.

Everyone nodded.

Tony looked at his watch and he said it was currently 6:15.

"Percy, you can go now since I have nothing left for you to do."

"Really? Thanks! See you guys tomorrow!"

But if only we knew that we wouldn't see him tomorrow.


:0 CLIFFHANGER YAYAYAYAYA. Amazing just amazing.

Hope you guys like this chapter. And yeah, bye.

Oh oh. I'm also thinking about making a new book. But idk what it will be about yet.

-Milky Rose

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