James Bond?

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-Natasha POV-

I had to resist the urge to spit out the water I was drinking once Annabeth finished her story. Was that even possible? She can't possibly be telling the truth about all that. But somehow, I believe her. I know what's it's like to go through something that traumatic at such a young age. The Red Room forced me to grow up too early. At the age of ten, I already knew how to disarm a man three times my age and three times my weight. So in some cruel, horrid way, I suppose Annabeth and I were more similar that we thought.

Everyone else tried asking questions but Annabeth refused to answer them just yet, saying she'd explain later on. But I just know the boys were dying of curiosity.

I watched as her eyes never moved from looking at the floor. Those stern, gray eyes filled with deep pain and sorrow. A soldier's eyes.


-Percy POV-

After the little spectacle I put on for them (it's a long story, no time to explain), Pirate Man walks in the room with an angered expression plastered on his face.

"What's up, Pirate Man?" I nod my head at him, acknowledging his presence. I lean back against the back wall, and I watch as his eyes followed me movements.

"Excuse me?" He asked, straightening his back to display his authority.

"Well, since it seems like you won't be letting me out any time soon, I thought it'd be nice to know each others names. I mean, you know so much about me, but I don't know a thing about you. The least I could know is your name. And besides, you look like a pirate with that eyepatch of yours."

He blinked at me before sighing deeply, as if he was already tired of me. Well, guess what? I was tired of him too. "The names Fury. Nick Fury."

I bite the insides of my cheeks to contain my laughter. "Fury. Nick Fury," I mock him in my attempt to copy his deep voice. "That's truly hilarious. Like actually. Gods, it reminds me of," I change my voice to mimic a British accent, "James. James Bond."

Fury rubs his nose bridge in exasperation. "I can't deal with this right now." And he walks out of the room without another word. I smugly sit back down on my bed and lean my head against the wall. I really just want to go home.


-Tony POV-

That Annabeth girl was hella scary. And that's saying a lot coming from me.

I looked at the ticking clock on the wall and it read 10 o'clock. I sighed, it was dark outside and I was getting tired. I'm sure everyone else was too. We've been working all day that we didn't even get a chance to eat dinner.

"How about we just get a goods night slee-"

"No," Annabeth said.

"Come on, kid. It's late, everyone's tired. I thought that we agreed that once you told your crazy stories about your boyfriend, we'd be able to leave."

"Well, you guys are free to leave. Please, I insist on it. But I'm not abandoning Percy. So I'm staying here to look for him whether you guys like it or not."

After a grumble of annoyance, I reluctantly gave in which led to everyone else to follow my actions. I only gave in because I didn't want the girl to break my machines.

"First off, did you guys try to see what kind of company the van was from to see who bought it?"

"Oh, um, no," Bruce softly said.

"Then let's do it."

She typed something up really quick and she hacked into the company's database with all the information on it. "Do you recognize any of these people?"

I scanned through the list of people. And one person caught my eye. Bobby Olson. His name was in my head somewhere. Ugh. I racked through my brain, trying to recognize the name.


Bobby Olson. SHIELD operative. Fury introduced me to him on a small mission we had together a few monthss back.

Wait, but doesn't that mean... SHIELD took Percy?


Hello! I'm getting a serious writers block. And this chapter rlly sucked. But I hope it wasn't too bad. Super sorry that it was so short. I'll make up for it next chapter.

-Milky Rose

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