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-Percy POV-

As much as I enjoyed our time together, I'd love to just go back home and chill with my mom and Paul. It's just that lately, I've barely had any time with them, and any free time I have counts.

As soon as the elevator opened, I ran out, yelling bye to the woman who takes Maya's other work days. Outside in the warm weather, I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"Finished with work already?"

"Mr. Stark let me out earlier than usual today, yeah. Could you pick me up?"

"Paul just took the car to Trader Joe's, I can call him to go pick you up if you'd like."

"No, actually, it's fine. I can walk. It's nice out anyways, and I miss breathing the fresh air if you know what I mean."

She worried for a moment before asking, "You sure? It's really no problem for Paul to pick you up."

"No, Mom, it's fine, we don't have to bother him with that. I promise I won't get lost or anything. I know how to get home."

She sighs, "All right, see you soon, sweetheart."

And we hung up.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and looked up at the sky where the sun was still sky-high, it would take another two hours until the sun set or so. And it'll take me about an hour to walk back home. I've walked longer distances, so this'll be fine.

I began walking down a street. It astonished me how there were barely any people out on the streets. But I didn't spend a second thinking about it. I noticed a black sedan whoosh past me, and I just went back to walking, kicking a rock down the sidewalk.

I take a left turn and start walking for another few minutes, still focusing on the rock I was kicking. But all of a sudden, I felt the air go still around me, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I stopped in my tracks when I heard some footsteps behind me. I turn my head halfway around and dodge when I realize a masked figure was about too punch me. I sweep my legs under his feet, and he toppled to the sidewalk with a grunt.

I extended my arm out at the man as he stirred, but I was met with another masked-figure who appeared out of thin air. I extended my other arm at the person and was about to blast any nearby water at him but I felt a jab in my ankle, and I realize the man who I knocked down poked something in my leg. I put my foot on his throat to pin him down, but immediately after, my arms went numb and everything around me went blurry. I stumbled, catching ahold of the wall before falling over.

All I could see was the two men stand over me before everything went black.


-Sally POV-

I looked at the clock on the wall,  and I staggered back when I noticed it read 8:30. It's been around two hours since Percy called me, and I was beginning to worry.

Paul had reassured me that Percy is older now and probably went off on his own for a little while. But I was convinced something was up. So Paul suggested I call him.

It went straight to voicemail.

That wasn't right.

"Sweetie, you should just call Stark Industries  to see if Percy had to stay a bit longer."

I didn't have Tony Stark's direct number but I'm I could call the front desk and have the reception direct me to him. Paul searched the number for me online, and I dialed it.

Percy Jackson: The Intern at Stark TowerWhere stories live. Discover now