The Raid

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-Nick Fury POV-

I ran out on the roof as fast as my legs could take me.

And I'm shocked to see who was there waiting for us.

The Avengers.

They were all fighting my agents. I watched from afar as Romanoff swept one agent off their feet where they tumbled to the pavement. I watched as Rogers threw his shield at two agents, the shield hit them directly in the gut and they flew backgrounds and landed on the pavement a few meters away. I watched as a few of my agents aimed their guns at him as he flew over them, he blasted them with his weapons before they could shoot. I watched as Clint shoot arrow after arrow at the agents running towards him. Thor and Bruce were nowhere to be found. However, they seemed to have a blonde girl with them, she must've been 16 or 17. She seemed to be easily fending off my highly-trained agents. 

"Exactly what do you think you're doing?" I yelled at them while continuing to walk towards them. At that point, all the agents near them were all sprawled on the floor unconscious. They all stopped what they were doing and turned to me. 

"Come on, Fury. We know you took the kid," Rogers said, looking at me with a look of betrayal. 

"Oh, you mean Perseus? The kid who has the ability to manipulate water? He was a threat and we detained him. I did you all a favor."

"A favor?" The blonde girl scoffed. "He didn't even do anything wrong!" 

"Excuse me, but do I even know you?" I pointed at her and she furrowed her brows. 

"No, but you will unless you give me back my boyfriend."

Ah, I see now. This girl wants her boyfriend back. And by the look in her eyes, she wasn't backing down anytime soon. But something about those eyes seemed so familiar. Maybe it was because I saw myself in those eyes, those eyes filled with determination. But she had two eyes and I had one. That goddamn cat. 

They were getting impatient, because Tony lifted up his blasters at me, and those things hurt like hell. He may or may have not accidentally blasted them at me. And I do not want to go through that experience again. And Tony knew it too.

I lifted my hands in the air in a surrendering motion, and I led them through the twists and turns of the building. Tony quickly blasted away the two guards that stood outside the door. They definitely weren't getting up any time son. We finally arrived at the door. Ms. Romanoff grabbed my key card and swiped it across the scanner. The button turned green and the girl shoved me out of the way. Aggressive much?

Percy looked up at us once he heard the sound of the door opening, and his demeanor changed once he saw his girlfriend. The girl ran up and hugged him, and they embraced each other in a deep hug. 

I knew soon that the rest of my agents would awaken and come searching for us. And as if they were summoned, I heard a group of agents start running towards us. I turned my head and saw a bigger group of agents from the other side of the hallway. I grinned. There was no getting out of this.

Percy and the girl let go and they all walk out in the hallway where they notice the agents who's guns were aimed straight at them.

"Well, that isn't good," Clint murmured under his breath. 

"We can handle them," Tony said, raising both hands and began blasted the agents from both sides of the hallway. And those who were nearest towards us were already unconscious on the floor. 

-Annabeth POV-

I was so glad to have my Percy back. He was limping slightly but he didn't seemed badly injured. We all went through corridor to corridor, which was filled with agents, but Tony would just blast them if they got in our way and Clint and Natasha would shoot our way out. And soon enough, we were on the rooftop once again. A few agents was able to scraggle up after us. They were aimed to hurt, but not kill. They missed my leg, but one of the shots got my biceps. I winced in pain, but it wasn't as hurtful as being stabbed with a poisonous dagger.

I didn't notice it, but Percy got shot in the same limp leg. He groaned softly, trying to hide his pain, but I knew it hurt. 

I turned forward, calling for someone to help me. But the rest of the Avengers had trailed ahead, too focused on trying to escape, but they hadn't realized we both got hit. I was beginning to panic. I couldn't hold Percy's weight myself, especially since he's injured. 

Now, more and more agents were coming up on the roof. 

Percy seemed to understand my despair and whispered, "Just leave me here, Annabeth, I'll be okay."

"No! I am not gonna leave you again. Not again," I blink back tears as I adjust Percy's weight on my shoulder.

Percy's bloody hand touched my face and I gasped, I trailed my eyes and saw that he got shot in the abdomen. My eyes widened at the sight. 

"Tony! Natasha! Anyone?" I yelled at the air, but I knew it was no hope. 

But my wishes had been answered. I almost broke down in tears once I saw Tony fly towards us. He landed next to us and immediately saw Percy was bleeding. He was losing too much blood. I told him to take Percy. We both knew his suit couldn't take the weight for both of us. By the time he comes back for me, it'll be too late.

"But Annabeth-"

"No, okay? Just go." 

He hesitated for a moment, and I gave him a reassuring look. He gave out a deep breath and picked up Percy in his arms bridal style. Percy was barely conscious now.

I kissed him on the forehead and whispered, "I love you, Seaweed Brain."

"I love you, Wise Girl," he muttered. And I ran forward. I heard the sound of Tony flying away.

I pulled out my dagger, the one I have kept by my side ever since I was 7.

I took a fighting stance and started attacking anyone who ran up to me.

I was on fire considering my arm was injured. But I knew it wouldn't be enough.

I fought and slashed and kicked everyone. But soon enough, I was getting tired. My eyes fluttered up and down. My brain contemplating whether I should fall unconscious or not. But after awhile, it chose its answer because my eyes fluttered to darkness, and I fell to the ground with a thud.




-Milky Rose

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