Chapter 1

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   It was just like any other night for Johnny Cade, he lay there shivering under a blanket of thin newspapers and slept on a hard park bench. His mother had lashed out at him again and after his father came home to see him bruised and screaming back at his mother, Johnny knew that he'd really get it this time. He had run away from home and he planned on never going back, though both his parents knew he'd return because besides the Curtis household, that was his only place to go. He was too young to be off by himself, he couldn't even drive yet. He'a from a problematic and abusive home and doesn't do well in school. He also doesn't have a job and doesn't think he ever will considering his grades and reputation with his teachers.
   "I can't take this anymore!" He hopped up from his bench, newspaper flying everywhere due to the slight breeze, and headed to Ponyboy's house. The Curtis boys were the only people to ever provide him with warmth and care. When he could he ate, slept, and just tried to stay away from his parents as long as he could.
   Holding his arms to try and keep warm he stormed off into the small neighborhood. The houses weren't much, mostly old and run down and were the homes of mostly elderly people and a few middle aged couples with their small children. All of, or at least most, of his friends lived here, it was their territory, along with most of the East side of town. The park, a couple of stores and just general hang out spots, all of which were pretty run down.
   Their opposers were the snobby, rich soc's. They lived on the west which held the bigger houses, nicer parks, and better grocery stores. There was also a school which the greasers and soc's unfortunately had to share, but not many soc's attended or wanted to be caught going there.
   Johnny was still walking and walking, the neighborhood is small but tonight just seemed as if it was a never ending road. He was cold and hungry and sore from being beaten. He had his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground as he walked, he was deep in thought and was mumbling to himself.
   "Ouch!" A voice cried. Johnny snapped out of it. He had bumped into someone who had fallen to the ground.
   "Oh, uh, sorry," he reached out his hand and helped them up.
   "It's fine I guess," the person looked up at Johnny and both looked at each other in shock and a bit of fear. The person was a girl, but not just any girl, a soc! She stood their with her shiny, new Mary Jane shoes and nice plaid skirt which complemented her matching turtleneck. Her blonde hair was neat and flipped up at her shoulders and she had whispy bangs across her forehead.
   "What are you doing here?" Johnny asked her. He backed away and looked around to make sure their weren't any hiding soc boys ready to pounce and attack.
   "Just roaming around the neighborhood. What about you? It's almost 2 in the morning!" She asked and crossed her arms. She attempted to act well together and tough but she had never really encountered a real greaser before. Though the boy was tinier than the rest of his group that didn't meant he was any less violent.
  "My friends live here."
  "And who in their right mind visits their friends this late at night?"
  "None if you're business okay," Johnny turned and walked away. The soc girl stood there and watched him.
   "I'm sorry." Johnny paused.
    "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. You're right it's none of my business, good night," after that she turned the opposite direction and made her way down the street.
  Johnny was surprised that a soc girl showed him compassion. Though he usually doesn't get picked on much by them, at least any other rich girl would have given him a dirty look or called him scum of some sort. He brushed it off though and continued his way to the Curtis house.

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