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   After breakfast the four boys decided to hang out around the park, they tried calling Steve and Two-Bit but unfortunately they couldn't make it.
   "Get back here you bitch!" Dally yelled. Soda had jokingly taken his box of cigarettes and Dally was desperate for a smoke, which was a big mistake in itself because everyone knew not to mess with Dally when he's already tense.
  Pony and Johnny watched in silence as the two sprinted around the park. On a boring day like this there isn't much to do, usually the boys just stir play fights with each other cause what's more fun than beating each other to a pulp?
    "I wish I had a book," Johnny said, "I haven't read in a while. I just want to be somewhere else."
    "It's okay Johnny, you're with us right now just enjoy it. You can spend another night with us if you want to."
    "Alright. I think I'm gonna go home for a bit while my parents aren't there though. I need a change of clothes I feel dirty."
    "We're greasers when are we not?" The two of them laughed and Pony put an arm around Johnny's shoulders to comfort him. They brought their attention back to Dally and Soda. Dally was finally catching up to him and had pounced onto him like a cheetah. After grabbing the cigarette box and tossing it out of Soda's reach he started to slap and punch him.
    "Ow, ow Dall!" Soda laughed, "it was just a joke stop it!" With a final sucker punch to the arm Dally got up and quickly retrieved his cigarettes.
    "You outta know better than to take my shit Curtis," he snapped. He grabbed a stick out of the box and stuck it in his mouth. He noticed Johnny had a smirk on his face after watching the fight. "What you got something to say you little punk?" Johnny shook his head. Dally pulled a lighter out of his pocket and lit the cigarette.
    "Uh oh boys, looks like trouble," Soda pointed to a shiny, blue Mustang that was making its way into the park.
    "Shit," Dally mumbled. The four of them walked over to the car and saw four soc's hop out. Two boys and two girls.
    "What are y'all doing here?" Soda asked, "Don't ya'll know better than to come on our territory?"
     "You're territory?" The first soc snickered, "Last time I checked this spot wasn't marked. The parks for everyone."
    "Well it's on our side of town isn't it dumbass?" Dally sneered.
   "Hey you have a lot of nerve talking to me like that! I could ruin your life!"
  "As if it isn't shit enough. Oooh I'm oh so scared of little rich boy and his daddy's money!" Suddenly the soc lashed out and aggressively grabbed Dally by his collar and swung. Dally ducked and kneed him in the groin. The soc yelped in pain. The second boy attempted to come after Dally but Johnny thought fast and tripped him. Unfortunately that failed and instead of falling to the ground he managed to keep his balance and then pulled at Johnny's hair. With Johnny's head pulled back the soc raised his fist. Johnny looked at it, three large rings glimmered in the sunlight. He gasped.
   One month back Johnny had been jumped and beaten by a group of soc's, this one happened to be part of the bunch. He remembered being punched in the face and a sharp sting went through his face as he felt the rings cut through his cheek. There was a scar in that exact same spot and would be in that spot for the rest of his life.
   "Bob don't!" A voice cried. Bob, the soc who had Johnny, paused and looked over at one of the girls. "Don't hurt him please!" It was the girl from the other night. Shiny blond hair and shiny Mary Janes. The rest of the group had paused their quarrel and ogled at the girl in confusion.
   "What did you just say?" Bob asked, his tone still violent.
    "I said don't hurt him. This is stupid, you knew they'd probably be here and we came anyway. Let's just leave."
   "Since when are you all tough Jen Richards?" Bob finally let go of Johnny's hair and walked over to the girl.
   "Ever since you decided to start acting like a dick for no reason." Dally kept in a giggle. Who knew a tough soc guy would be getting told off by a girl!
  Johnny was confused though, why did this soc girl keep standing up for him? In front of the men too, did this mean an even worse beating for Johnny now that a soc was on his side?
   Oh god no, Johnny looked up at the sky in a pleasing way as if praying to god. Bob turned back to the greasers.
   "This isn't over," he and his friend turned away and hopped back into the car. The other soc girl got in too.
   "That was awful of you, Bob," she said "why don't you try picking on someone your own size?" The Jen girl still stood there and was looking at Johnny. He looked back.
   She looks even better in daylight. Shit," Johnny looked away from Jen and went back to his friends who had moved over towards the fountain. The girl hopped in the Mustang and left.

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