Chapter 5

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    "YOU STUPID, STUPID WOMAN YOU-" Johnny bolted out of his bed at the sound of glass breaking. He sprinted out of his room to see his mother lying on the floor, cut and bloody, along with shards of glass around her.
    His parents had been fighting all night and he barely got even a wink of sleep. He could still feel the dried tears on his face and he was shaking as he hid behind the doorway. Sometimes he wish he could defend his mother, in spite of her being equally abusive, but he was already beat up enough after yesterday. He decided to stay at the Curtis house a little longer.
    He tiptoed back to his room and shoved a couple shirts, socks, and underwear into a duffel bag. He also grabbed a book and snatched his denim jacket from a hook. Then he walked over to his window and began to slowly slide it up. It was at this time he could hear his mother crying as she tried to get up off the floor without cutting herself from the glass. He felt terrible leaving her here hurt and alone, but he knew that his help was the last thing his mother wanted. He wiped the fresh tears from his eyes and hopped out the window with his bag.

    "Hi Johnny," Darry said as he opened the door. Johnny barely even mumbled a hello and set his bag down near the door. "Another rough night?"
    "Terrible," he started to choke up. Darry walked over to him.
    "Johnny I'm sorry, do you need anything? We have some choco-"
    "I don't want any ole' chocolate cake!" Johnny snapped. He started to cry a bit now and felt even more terrible that he lashed out at someone who tried to help. "I'm sorry," I just need some sleep. Please." Darry wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
    "I understand, I'll see you later and be sure to grab anything from the fridge if you want," with that Darry headed off to work. With Soda and Pony still asleep, Johnny made himself a nice bed on the couch and dozed off as soon as his bed hit the pillow.

    Johnny was once again woken up by noise, the only difference was that this time it was pleasant to hear. He sat up and stretched.
    "Afternoon Johnnycake!" Steve said.
   "What's goin' on?" Johnny asked.
   "Saw some soc's down by the Dairy Queen and we thought we'd pay them a little visit."
   "Fighting for no reason again?"
   "Aw c'mon Johnnycake you can't still be scared of a little rumble? It's the spice of life!"
   "Well I've been getting into enough rumbles already. So you can count me out." Just then Ponyboy showed up.
   "Are we goin' or what?" He asked.
  "Well Johnny said he doesn't wanna go so maybe you two kiddies should stay here out of trouble."
   "I wanna go though! Come on!"
   "Then tell Soda to get his ass up and we'll go!" Pony went back to Soda's room and heard a shout as he had scared him awake. He laughed.
   "Sure you don't wanna go Johnny?" Two-Bit said, sitting down on the floor with a beer in hand.
  "Maybe I'll go and watch. Too much has been happening too fast. I just need a break."
  "Alright then we'll protect ya then!" Two-Bit smiled.

The five greasers were finally making their way to the "Soc side of Town." Johnny looked around and recognized the fancy buildings and people in their classy business suits. He looked over at the park, he looked at the hill and at the swing set where two small children sat in their place. He focused his direction back to the ground as he remembered Jen and how beautiful she looked that night, then how scared she was to see Bob show up and ruin their first date. He missed her terribly, he hadn't talked to her or seen her in a while and he questioned if she still loved him. He definitely still loved her.
    The Dairy Queen was coming into view and Steve and Two-Bit were getting riled up. He searched the group of young men to hopefully find a girl with shiny, blonde hair but there wasn't one girl in sight. He sighed. Though his friends were now running up to the group he kept his pace at a light jog, with his mood completely low. He finally caught up to them but kept his distance from them, yet he still made sure to have brought his switch blade.
    "What do you want hood?" Bob yelled.
    "Just wanted to come for a coke y'know?" Steve stalled, "hang out with my buddies, maybe make some new ones?" He smirked.
   "In your dreams you wet dog!"
   "Is that all you got up your sleeve shit head? Stupid insults?"
   "Don't see you doing any better! Don't you have a bank to rob?"
   "No but I got a knuckle sandwich to deliver!" Steve suddenly swung up a fist and hit it across Bob's face. Bob slammed his coke to the ground, spilling it, and charged after Steve. The  two other soc's behind him attempted to take the rest of his friends. They were now swinging and kicking at each other as Johnny continued to stand there and watch in exhaustion. He felt anger boil inside him, thinking of what happened with Jen, then his parents, and now all the fighting that he once thought was fun but now realized was petty and pointless. He felt as if he couldn't go on any longer.
    Suddenly the sounds of sirens were becoming louder in the distance. Immediately the boys stopped their rumble and the soc's hopped in their cars as the greasers started sprinting their way back home. Obviously, though, the police car started to chase after them.
    "Was it really worth it for all this Steve?" Johnny panted.
   "It's the spice of life!" He cackled, as if getting in a chase was an achievement. He looked over at Pony and was relieved that at least one of them had any sense as he saw the panic in his face. Of course though it was because of his home life, and how he could be thrown in a boys home any day if caught without a real parent.
    With people screaming as they tried to dodge the boys they were somehow staying ahead of the car, even losing it. Johnny looked around and saw a space between a grocery store and a bar.
    "Quick!" He yelled, "maybe we can run between the buildings and make our way around to the other side of town!" The other boys agreed with his plan and followed him to the little valley.

    They actually managed to make it home. Still panting they laughed and cackled at the memory of the chase and how they were just footsteps away from possibly being in the slammer.
   "Sucker!" Two-Bit shouted. Even Johnny had to admit it was pretty crazy.
   "Hey we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for little Johnnycake!" Soda said.
   "Yeah way to go Johnny!" Pony cheered.
   "Boys!" A deep voice shrieked. The five of them froze to see an angry Darry driving towards them. "What the hell was that all about?" They all looked at each other scared.
   "What was what abou-"
   "Don't play dumb Pony!" He hopped out of the car, slamming the door behind him. "Can one of you explain to me why I saw the five of you sprinting down the street with a police car chasing after you?" There was silence. He turned to Johnny. "Johnny, can you tell me?" His tone was a bit softer with him, yet anger lay prominent in his eyes.
    "Hey don't start picking on Johnny man!" Pony said.
   "I was just asking him a question! Because some people actually have morals and tell the truth Ponyboy!"
   "We had a rumble okay! A small one!"
   "Why?" Darry asked, hands on his hips. Pony went silent again.
   "I don't know-"
   "You don't know huh?" 
   "Hey c'mon Darry don't act like you don't get in rumbles too!" Soda argued.
   "Only for good reason I do! Like defending a friend! Not just to cause more trouble! How many times must I remind you two that we could be separated if you were to get caught!"
   "We're sorry Darry, really," Two-Bit stepped in, "it was all me and Steve's fault. We shouldn't have gotten them involved. Be mad at us not Pony or Johnny." Darry sighed.
   "Just don't pull this shit again okay?" They nodded. "I have to get back to work now, see you tonight." He got back his car and drove away. Soda, Pony, and Johnny went back home while Steve and Two-Bit parted ways.

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