Ch. 5 page 2

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  It was later that night and the entire gang had made themselves at home for game night. Johnny was in much higher spirits now and laughed with Two-Bit as they watched Mickey Mouse cartoons on the television. Darry, Soda, and Steve were playing a game of cards at the table, Ponyboy had found his usual spot on the sofa reading a book, and Dally was yet to show up.
"We're up for any new players!" Soda said from the kitchen.
"Maybe in bit," Pony said, his mind still lost in his book.
Johnny watched the television closely as Mickey and Minnie strolled around a park together in love, doing everything together and eventually Pete kidnapping Minnie and Mickey saving the day. Johnny thought of Jen again, and he felt his mood get lower. He wished the world was like Disney, that everything could be okay. That he could spend every second with Jen. He sat up straighter though and tried not to let those thoughts get to him. He stood up from his spot on the floor and joined the boys at the table.
"Hey we got ole' Johnnycake now!" Soda cheered.
"What're we playin'?"
"Go fish," Darry handed one card, face up, to each person. Johnny got a six.
"Guess I'm dealin," Steve said. He grabbed the stack of cards and started to shuffle them.
"Hey when is Dally showing up?" He asked. Soda shook his head.
"No tellin', probably not at all." Soda cut the cards in Steve's hand. Steve continued to hand out the cards, giving each of them five. Johnny picked up his stack and observed his deal.
"Gettin' into more rumbles I assume?" He said. The other boys looked at each other.
"Guess you could say so," Darry mumbled. "Soda give me your diamonds, threes."
"Go fish!"
"Dammit," Darry drew a card from the stack in the middle.
The game went on for five more minutes before an aggressive knock was heard at the door.
"Must be Dal!" Steve said. Pony stood from his chair and opened the door. The room went quiet though as instead of a greasy haired boy, there stood a girl with shiny, blonde hair.
"Jen?" Johnny asked. Jen noticed him and smiled. The rest of the boys gawked at the two, completely clueless as to what was happening.
"Johnny!" She cried. She ran into the living room and hugged him.
"Johnny has a girl?" Two-Bit asked.
"Way to go man! What a keeper!" Steve cheered.
"What are you doing here? How did you know?"
"I saw the rumble earlier, it was horrible and I wanted to make sure you're alright. I missed you so much." Johnny blushed and looked down at the floor. He felt sort of embarrassed to be having a talk like this in front of his friends. "I met Dally earlier, he gave me directions here," she added in.
"We should talk outside," Johnny grabbed her arm and the both went outside and sat on the porch.
"Johnny listen-"
"I'm sorry Jen," he interrupted. "I really am. I don't know why I got mad at you like I did. But I've regretted it ever since. I missed you a lot, and I was scared I lost you."
"You didn't lose me, you never could. I understand how you felt I insulted your friends, I should've been thinking. But I just needed some time to think things over. A lot has been going on lately. But I really wanted to see you, just didn't know if you wanted to see me."
"I should've gone to look for you earlier. I feel bad that you had to come all this way."
"That doesn't matter now cause we can be together. There's just one thing."
"What is it?" Jen didn't answer and she stood up from the porch seat and started pacing. "Jen what is it?"
"Johnny I don't know how to say this. But we may not get to be together for long." Johnny's heart jumped in his chest.
"I only just got the news last night that I'll get to graduate early. That I'll get into a better school..." her voice trailed off.
"Well that's great! I can come visit maybe."
"It's all the way in Texas Johnny," Jen whispered. He stopped and looked down at the ground. He knew he didn't have the ability to fly all the way out there. His eyes filled with tears, he felt angry now, at the world. He contained himself though. "I don't have to go," Jen said.
"Yes you do. You deserve to go to a good school. I'm just a greaser, not a good enough reason to stay anyway. There's more people like you there, that could do better."
"Do better? But Johnny I want you. I don't care if you're in school or not, I don't care if you have greasy hair! I love you, I really do."
"You say that now-"
"And I mean it with all my heart," Jen sat back down and leaned her head against his shoulder. "I'll come and visit every once in a while okay? For holidays."
"I'd like that," Johnny smiled. Jen leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"I love you Johnny, I have to go now. But I'll come back tomorrow!" She stood up and made her way down the porch steps.
"At the park okay?" Johnny yelled.
"Okay!" Jen yelled back. Johnny smiled as he watched Jen make her way down the street and disappear into the night shadows.
Johnny went back inside where all his friends were in the living room now watching television, the stack of cards laying abandoned on the table. Two-Bit looked up from the screen.
"Hey how was it! Did you two love birds just adore each other!"
"She told me she has to go to Texas."
"What?" Steve said, "she came all this way just to tell you she's leaving?"
"For good reason! She has a chance of going to a better school. To graduate. She said she'd visit though.
"When will she be leaving?" Pony asked.
"Don't know. I'm going to see her again at the park."
"Alright. I wish you would've told us earlier though. Is that what you've been doing going out so much? Why didn't you say anything?" Darry asked.
"I didn't know how you'd react. I've already gotten in enough rumbles with her friends. They already know."
"Well now you have us to defend you. We'll make sure they don't touch a hair on your head ya hear!" Two-Bit drank from his beer bottle. Johnny smiled a little and sat down next to Ponyboy on the couch. Johnny finally felt at ease that everything was okay, even though he knew it may not be much longer until he and Jen have to part ways, he knows she'll be okay and that they'll meet once again.
"Johnny!" Johnny turned around to face the window, he thought he heard a voice screaming his name. He figured it was all in his head though and shrugged it off.
"Johnny!" There it was again, louder though, and it seemed to have caught Pony's attention too. Finally the entire room was startled as Dally blast through the door in a frazzle.
"It's that Jen girl!" He panted, "I saw her- she's hurt!" With those words Johnny jumped from the couch and ran outside, the boys followed him.

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