Chapter 8

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The day had finally come, today Jen left for Texas. Ever since the date they had spent every waking moment together when they could. Even though Johnny tried to enjoy the moment his heart couldn't help but ache as the day drew nearer and nearer. He unfortunately couldn't go to the airport with her since her other soc friends and family would be there, but Johnny was Jens first stop before leaving.
Johnny was walking out of the bathroom after a shower when he heard a quick knock at the door. With a towel still around his shoulders and his pants on he answered it. He smiled as he saw a melancholy Jen, her blonde hair flipped up at the shoulders, she wore a tan sweater and a black skirt that went just to her knees. And he could never forget her shiny, black Mary Janes. He saw her eyes fill with tears.
"Don't cry Jen," he said and they quickly met in a hug. She gently sobbed into the towel and tried to contain herself.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it. I'll miss you so much. I'll write everyday, I promise!"
"And I'll answer every single one," Johnny wiped his own tears off his face. He promised he wouldn't cry but he didn't think it mattered right now.
"I wish you could come with me to the airport."
"Then I will."
"But my parents-"
"Who cares about your parents? They have to know some time Jen. I know you're scared they'll prevent you from seeing me, but they have to give me- give us a chance." Jen looked at him worryingly. She thought about it long and hard. Her parents had always wanted her to date another rich boy, one who wore nice sweaters and went to country clubs. Mustangs and nice diners. Johnny mattered more though.
"You're right. Wanna go meet them now?" She asked. Johnny raised his eyebrows, he wasn't expecting this to happen this early!
"Oh yeah, sure! Give me a second-" he ran to the bathroom and threw on a clean shirt and shoes. He ran a comb through his hair and met Jen back at the door. "Ready," he said.

Johnny kicked at the brick house nervously as they waited for Jen's parents to open the door.
"Why so nervous John? This was you're idea," Jen chuckled.
"Well I wasn't expecting you to agree! Sorry I guess I can't help it." Jen grabbed his hand softly.
"They won't hurt you, even if they don't like you they won't. I promise." Then the door finally opened and Johnny's heart plummeted. He felt sweat build up on his forehead, he was as nervous as he could be. There at the doorway stood two, very classy looking people. The father was tall and slim, he wore a black suit with a grey tie. His hair was cut neatly and gelled back, he also had a handkerchief in the suit pocket. He didn't look much like Jen, his hair was brown and his eyes were dark. He had sharp features and a sophisticated look. Her mother, though, was a spitting image. Her hair was blonde, a lot shorter and curly. She wore pink lipstick and a blue dress with a thin, black belt on the waist. She also wore stockings and white heels.
"Ready to go Jen?" She asked, her voice was soft and airy. He felt safe and relaxed around her. He couldn't say the same about her father.
"Who's... this?" His deep voice trailed off as he acknowledged Johnny. Jen cleared her throat.
"Mom and dad I'd like you to meet Johnny Cade he's... my boyfriend." The two kids held their breath as they waited for a reaction.
"Boyfriend?" The parents asked in unison.
"Yes. We've been seeing each other for a while now and, uh, I know you may not approve of him but I promise you he's nice. He's been nothing but the absolute sweetest to me, taking me on dates and such. His friends are nice too." Her parents paused and looked at each other.
"Jen," her mother started, her voice still soft, "are you sure you like this bo-"
"One hundred percent. I know what I'm talking about mother, and I know his friends may seem violent, but I promise once you meet them they are the best people in the world. They aren't bad they're just... outsiders."
"Jen I don't think-"
"They sound lovely dear," her mother interrupted. The two kids' jaws dropped in surprise. So did fathers.
"But Annabella-"
"I know what I'm talking about Hank. This boy seems nice, we must give him a chance."
"Please dad?" Her dad looked away from Jen, still skeptical and hesitant.
"Oh alright. But one mess up and he's out of here!"
"Don't be unreasonable Hank! They're sixteen!" The mother lightly slapped his arm. The kids laughed. Johnny finally spoke.
"So Mrs. Richards... do you think, um, I could go to the airport? To say goodbye?" The mother smiled.
"Of course you can! We were actually just about to leave, come along now!" Jen and Johnny held hands as they walked to the Yellow Cadillac. Johnny had never ridden in a car this nice before, he admired the leather seats and it even had air conditioning! They followed a large truck to the airport and Johnny answered multiple question from the mother on the way there.
"Where did you two meet?"
"We met while walking down the street one night."
"When was y'all's first date?"
"About a month ago at the park."
"What did you think of Jen'a friends? Aren't they nice?"
"They're definitely something."

The questions finally stopped when they parked in the airport parking lot. Johnny started to feel blue now, he saw all the big planes and suitcases. He knew that the next time he'd see Jen was probably months from now. Once they got their luggage he followed them inside, they went through security and bag checks. Finally they approached the gate to enter the plane. Jen started to tear up again.
"Until next time Johnnycake," she said trying to smile.
"Yeah... until next time," they hugged each other one final time, followed by a quick peck on the lips. With one more solemn look and squeeze to the hand Jen followed her parents down the hallway and disappeared. Johnny sighed, he felt weird and empty. He felt as if he lost something. He looked at the spot where Jen stood only seconds ago, then looked up at the sky where her plane had taken off. She was officially gone.

"Hey man how ya doin'?" Soda asked as Johnny entered the house. He shrugged.
"Alright I guess. Her parents weren't as mean as I thought they'd be. I'll miss her a lot though."
"Don't worry man there's other girls," Dally said popping a cigarette into his mouth.
"Not like Jen though. I don't even know when I'll see her."
"Who knows man, it'll be okay though," Ponyboy pat his back.
"Hopefully soon."

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