Ch. 7 page 2

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Then it happened again, car headlights shown on them and they parted lips to see the blue Mustang once again. Jen rolled her eyes.
"I knew it!" Bob said angrily.
"Go away Bob! What are you doing here?" Jen was furious.
"Your parents sent me here to make sure you were actually with Cherry and Marsha. Guess their sweet little girl's a liar." Bob smirked and crossed his arms. Jen was breathing heavily now in fury. Johnny was angry too. Jens own parents having her attacker follow her? How could they?
"Bob knock it off now, none of this has to do with you," Johnny exclaimed.
"Shut it runt! Don't make me beat the shit out of you too!" Johnny bolted after him but Jen held him back.
"Johnny don't! That's what he wants!" She whispered, "just stay calm." She turned back to Bob.
"If you don't leave right now I'm calling the police. I can tell them all about you and how you hit a girl. Now go away."
"Yeah right princess. Do that and your parents will have to come down here and see you with him. And you better believe that you'll be out of Tulsa by tomorrow!" Bob laughed.
This isn't happening, Johnny then sprint after the boy again, this time unable to be contained. He pounced on him like a leopard and started to punch him across the face, one after the other.
"Just leave us alone!" He screamed. He continued beating the boy to the point blood was spurting from his nose.
"Johnny no!" Jen cried. "Please, please stop!" That was when Johnny's senses came back to him. He stopped and looked at the injured boy below him, then turned to see the girl crying into her hands.
"Jen-" he got up off the boy, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." He got closer to her but she flinched away. His heart sank, he felt he messed up again.
"I never wanna see you like that again Johnny. No more fighting while I'm gone, please," she muttered, then she finally came closer to him and snuggled herself into his arms.
"This still isn't over runt!" Bob said, his voice was nasally now as blood continued to drip out of it. Holding his hand under his face he quickly got back into his car. Johnny let go of Jen.
"Call the police and I'll have the entire gang on you too!" He yelled. Kicking up dust the car sped off. He looked back over at Jen and gave her small smile.
"Your hands are covered in blood Johnny," Jen said.
"Wanna go back to the house? Bet we'll be safer there." Jen agreed and they left the park.

"Johnny what happened?" Darry exclaimed as he opened the door.
"It was Bob again, my parents sent him over," Jen explained.
"Those assholes!" Soda said, "how could they?"
"It's fine everyone, let's just get me cleaned up," Johnny went over to the bathroom sink and rinsed off his red hands. Jen walked over to him and whispered in his ear.
"You don't think he'll tell do you?"
"Hopefully not, I gave him a warning. But then again who's ever be scared of me."
"I like that you're not scary. You're sweet, but trust me after that you're tough," she hugged him from behind. Suddenly Ponyboy showed up.
"So how did the date go? Y'know before-"
"It was great! We had a lot of fun," Johnny said. He dried his hands and turned to see Dally standing behind Pony, winking at him. Johnny rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Sure wish Bob could take a hint though," Jen sighed, "don't know why he cares who I'm with so much."
"Don't worry about it, he's just like that," Darry said.
"Trust me I know." The room went silent for a bit, the only noise heard was coming from the television. Johnny let out a sigh as he rest his head on the back of the couch. He wanted all this drama and fighting to end but he knew that meant Jen leaving and he'd rather take a thousand beatings than not see her for months. He closed his eyes and smiled as he felt Jen take his hand and squeeze it.
    "Johnny?" She asked. He lifted his head up and looked at her. "I think I better go. Mind taking me home?" He smiled.
   "Not at all," they both stood from the couch and said goodbye to their friends as they left. The sun was almost down now.
    "I'm sorry again about what happened. I didn't think it'd happen twice, maybe this time Bob'll leave us alone. Or you at least." Johnny chuckled.
   "Unfortunately probably not, but I'll handle it. I have my buddies. And I'll make sure he doesn't touch you ever again!" They both smiled at each other and Johnny wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
    "I wish I didn't have to go so soon. I regret so much of the time that I've wasted being scared and prideful. My mother always said to never chase, I don't know why that was the one advise I actually took. If only I knew that I had to leave..." she looked down at her feet.
    "Don't feel bad, I'm just happy to have you again. And we'll see each other again! I'm sure of it. You deserve to go to school, to get away from this. I'll be okay, I'll wait as long as I have to."
    "I love you Johnny."
   "I love you too, Jen." For the rest of the way home they were in comfortable silence and just enjoyed each other's company. Jen thought about what was to come in her future, she had mixed feelings about going to a new school and leaving everything she knew. She'd miss Johnny to death especially, but Johnny wanted her to go. He was proud of her. He even wondered how a wimpy boy like him could ever have gotten her.
    They finally reached Jen's doorstep.
   "Here I am," Jen said quietly.
   "See you tomorrow maybe?" Johnny asked.
   "I don't know, still pretty busy packing. I'll try though." They looked at each other for a second and finally hugged each other. Still in each other's arms they leaned their heads against each other and Johnny said,
   "See you soon then?"
   "Of course." Jen smiled again and kissed him. "Goodbye Johnny," she opened her front door and went inside.

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