xxᴠɪɪɪ. ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴛʜɪs ɪs sᴀᴅ?

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also, i hate children but they're cute... uh anyways

Third Person POV...

Her clone that she left in her place was disappearing. And man... how stupid does Draco think she is? Seriously? EATING mana, yeah okay doofus. [Name] rolls her eyes in exasperation. Imagine being underestimated. Couldn't be me:rolling_eyes:

Here she is, trekking through the forest because exercise or something, wondering when she'll make it to Kikka, a castle town of Black Clover.

Hm? Black Clover? I think I meant the Clover Kingdom, lol.

Whatever. [Name] shakes her head and walks on. Once she gets to Kiten, maybe she'll just teleport to the Crimson Lions Headquarters.


In the end, she teleported to Kiten because who the fuck wants to walk? But [Name] picked up some food and stuffed herself because of the number of fucking nuts in that forest. Thankfully, a lovely vendor had some of her favourites there, including (f/f).

She walks happily among the clean streets with her food, smiling at the disgusting little children that are somehow so cute sometimes, and pondering what the hell to do later. 

Well, I should go to the base, but how long has it been since I left? Eh, it never specified, so let's just say a week or two.


What? What never specified how long she was gone? What the hell is she missing here, because it sure as hell ain't food. And yet, her stomach rumbles and she forgets what she was thinking once more because I like to drag things out.

Eating to her hearts' content, [Name] continues to walk and sometimes converse with a  few of the locals.

It really is a good thing that she's here. Not just because of the oncoming attack, but because of how happy she is now. Truly, how beautiful this world is.

But explosions from the Diamond Kingdom's attack pierce the air, as do the screams of the people, and her smile is wiped off her face. Quickly, she springs into action, creating shields and healing the people injured by the rubble. 

A child, who is now a blubbering mess, comes to [Name] with snot running out of his nose. His clothes were messy with footprints and he limps slightly. It's a miracle he wasn't injured further because of the stampeding people.

"It's alright, you're gonna be just fine," [Name] smiles but can't help but worry that she looks demonic in the child's eyes. But he nods and lets her heal him and place a shield around his body. "Now, stay here. I'm sure your parents will come looking for you soon."

"B-B-B-" But she's already gone, suck it up.


Fuck... Julius rubs his forehead in irritation. The Golden Dawn has already been dispatched, but [Name]...

After she's found, I am going to have to tell her... But where is she? Tears well up in his lavender irises. He had promised her mother, all those years ago, and yet he lost her again. How stupid. 

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