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ooc rhya. ooc everyone.
ooc=out of character
cw: peeing???? Idk bruh


Third Person POV...

"How many times do I have to ask before you spill?" [Name] demands an answer. Her glare is menacing, as is her aura solidifying around her. Now, Rhya would like to say he isn't scared. He would also like to say that he didn't just piss his pants.

He did piss his pants. But hey, you didn't need to know this, and I didn't need to write this in order to fill in the number of words there are. But I did. You're welcome.

Okay, I'm joking, this never happened. But Rhya is amazed. So amazed in fact, that he almost took her back with him right then and there. But, she'd probably kill him, so he held back.

And [Name]'s already getting tired of this exchange. Obviously, she could just read his mind, but his mind has to be on that topic. So basically, Patricia is useless, through and through. And right now, Rhya's in awe of her prowess. He's good at controlling his facial expressions though.

Ah, wait for a second, this is interesting.

After copying all the magic she has now, [Name] hasn't been paying attention to the other types of magic people have. But Rhya has Copy Magic, same as her... What would happen if I copied Copy Magic..?

[Name] ponders. As far as she knows, she's never really heard of this before. Would it erase all the magic she has saved? Would it combine into new magic? Who knows? Because you won't if you don't try it out. And she could always just copy the magic again.

Rhya notices that [Name]'s gone silent, but she's staring so intently at him(no she's not, she's staring off into space) that he doesn't think he can move. So he sits, waiting, and looking like a child that got scolded for making a mess. If it were Draco, maybe he would've been able to persuade her to come and join us.

Ah... he sighs and lays back. For whatever reason, [Name]'s gone silent, so he'll just wait. He's curious about what she'll do, anyway.

First Person POV...

She's actually more interesting than she was before... and she was already very intriguing at our first meeting. But it doesn't seem as if she's gotten that much stronger. I sigh in disappointment. 

Oh, if only she'd stay so I could explain everything. Well, I would've left too, and it's not like I had tried to explain things while she was there. But I could've helped her hone her power further, as I am a part of her. I know those damned gods couldn't do their jobs properly.

"Are you still watching Rhya? Draco, Licht?" Patricia asks. "Ah," she mockingly gasps and I click my tongue in annoyance. "Is that my dear [Name] I see?" She asks.

Is she blind now? Christ, how stupid could she be? This woman is a leech. (lol patricia kinnieee/j) If it weren't for the plan... How could I let [Name]-

No, it was for the sake of revenge. We must get revenge for them.

Yes. Everything is for this revenge. Nothing else matters. Not even [Name]'s- my lifelong partner's- feelings. (4lifersss)


Man, this is harder than I thought. Or do I have to have physical contact with him? Maybe that's it. Why is he laying down now? Whatever, I'll just pull him up in a second.

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