xxx. ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ғᴀɪʀʏ ᴛʀᴀɴsғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

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THE UPDATES HAVE BEEN SO SPREAD OUT?? like from december to february, i'm so sorry- 

Marx x Julius guys, whaddya say?

Third Person POV...

If I'm a princess, give me a magical fairy transformation right now.


The intruders bust into Julius' room right as [Name] exits. Now, you may be wondering: why are they attacking him? Because he 'stole' their beautiful daughter of course. Obviously, it wasn't him but they don't know that.

The mages that enter were much weaker than him. He could tell by just looking at their mana.

"Everyone, calm down. I totally don't know who you are, so you all can surrender and face charges for breaking and entering." Julius smiles cockily. The men in the room shake slightly from his words, but then one lady in a white cloak with four eyes on it steps up.

Julius eyes her before he recognizes her. "You..." Quickly putting up a mental barrier, he tries to stop her but she's too fast.

She's... gotten better. With his mind penetrated, he falls to the floor, paralyzed.

"And yet another joins my collection, and all the pieces shall come together. Find [Name]. Quickly, or else." The womans' voice was sickly sweet and she pulls back her hood.

"My sweet little daughter will be coming with us."

Patricia smiles at the pitiful Wizard King. "We're going to have so much fun."

The words register in Julius' head before he passes out.

It was over quickly, and they all walk out of the room, passing by the unconscious guards.


Third Person POV...

Humans are truly fickle, and selfish beings. Most would act on such feelings and yet...

In his memory, it was always her. 
His mind would repeat her name, over and over. He thought he was going insane at first.

But she was perfect. Even if she wasn't the best mom for you, or even if she was, she was perfect.

He loved her.

He loves her.

He loves her so much, he almost used all his magic to rewind time, if only to just look at her. Just once, he wants to see her face again. 

Call it an obsession, but it was not harmful.
Well, to everyone but Julius himself.


Second Person POV...

You walk through the silent halls, pale moonlight streaming through the open windows, illuminating your body as you walk by them. The cold air causes goosebumps to form on your arms.

Even if winter is long gone, the cold nights stay.

Smiling, you skip down the halls as if you have not a care in the world, nothing to think of at all, when really, you do. You have a lot to think of.

1. Help Asta out with his arms.
2. Figure out what's been happening since your disappearance.
3. Take care of that little boy- yeah, you have a son now I guess.
4. Think through what the Wizard Ki- Uncle Julius had said. This is a bigger one.
5. Beat up Noelle's siblings, because they're assholes right now.

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