a new about you

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well, things have changed with you, so here's a new thingy.


[Name] [M/N]


[L/M/S] [H/C] hair. [E/C] eyes that have dulled with the training and the many realizations that she's made, but still ✨ sparkles ✨. Still wears shorts and a white tee, but over that is her Crimson Lion Kings robe. Has a birthmark on her [D/H]* arm. Not that short, stands at 5'5 1/2, so she's grown a little. (167.64 cm) Debby Ryan smirk.


Very hot-headed, sometimes  s t o o p i d, still mischievous and kind. Will fall asleep on anyone and anything. SHE IS NOT DENSE, SHE HAS KNOWN OF THE SUITORS FEELINGS FOR A LONG TIME NOW. So, a very good actor and also hides her feelings at most times. (yes, i am calling you out) Is sometimes a Debby Downer, especially since she knows some of her past.


[M/N]- Background information unavailable.
Unknown father.


Copy Magic: Currently has all Magic Knight Captains,(besides William's) the Wizard King's, Yuno's, Sister Lily's, and more.


Has no memory of anything before the age of five. Came from a family of three, but denounced them when she found out they were traitors. Found her real mother at age 15, but didn't really get a chance to speak with her fully. Has been reincarnated three times; this is her fourth life. (sorry if my math was off in earlier chapters)


✨Everyone. Literally everyone.✨

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