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*Two weeks later*

"She's been locked in her room for almost two weeks. She only comes out for food and that's it. She won't train or do anything." North says to Washington. Theta appears.

"Have you guys talked to her?" He asks.

"We try but she doesn't even open her door. All I hear is her loud music playing." Washington says with a concerned look.

"Let me talk to her, I can go in her room." They walk towards Shadows room. "It'll only be a little bit" theta says as he disappears into shadows room.

"What up?" He asks. Shadow gets up from her bed and lowers her music. All of the lights were turned off. Shadows armor was off and all she wore was her t-shirt and her shorts. Her room was trashed. Clothes and papers were spread across her room. It was a complete mess.

"Theta? What are you doing in here?" She whispers.

"I want to help you or talk to you. What happened after you talked to The director two weeks ago?" Shadow buried her face in her hands. She didn't have any tears left.

"Everything I know is a lie, Theta. Everything... I... I have so many mixed feelings right now. I don't feel anything for my father." She walks up to her desk. Her locket still lays on her desk. Still shining like she had gotten it yesterday. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a picture of her family. "This whole time I thought you were an innocent man. For the longest time I thought of you as my hero." Her heart began to ache. She closed it and threw it in the nearby trash can. "All of you were liars!" She screamed at the locket. Her anger towards her family grew more each day.

Theta turned to look at one of the walls. There was a picture of her family but in the middle of her fathers face was a knife. "Don't let his smile deceive you Theta." She looked up from the trash can, "it's deceived me once. Everything is not okay."

"Shadow, this isn't like you. What happened to the girl who didn't back down. You used to be motivated. Do you want to talk about it?"

Shadow heard a scratch against the door. "Ugh, You guys, I know you're listening through the door." Shadow pushed the button that opens the door. Washington and North tumble through the entrance.

"Are you okay?" North says while getting off the floor. The two see that shadow has lost a lot of weight due to not eating as much. Her eyes are darker and they see the sadness forming on her face.

"No" shadow crosses her arms and turns her back. "I don't know what to do at this point. Ever since I agreed to stay, it's like I've never felt more pain and anger in my whole life."

"What happened? Why are you like this? Why are you depressed?" Washington asks.

"My father. He's not the man that I thought he was. Now it's my job to end what he had started."

"But what did your father do exactly?" North began to feel uneasy.

"My father was going to use a data chip that had all files of the agents. He was going to use it to kill all of you guys. He was going to wipe out all the freelancers. That's what CT was going to do as well before she died. Now my fathers company, Light Industries, may have that chip and are going to continue what my father started. It's my job to end it and burn that building to the ground. I hate him." She punched the photo of her family that was on her desk. The glass shattered as it hit the ground.

North and Washington were both quiet. They didn't know what to say. They didn't know what to tell her.

"Well, if you're going to burn that building down, you should start training." Theta says in an enthusiastic tone.

"You're right." She turns back to them "when is the next day that the training room is open?"

"On Saturday, that's three days from now. But until then, you should start eating more and try to work out in your room." Theta says.

Shadow walks to her desk. She sits in her chair and opens her laptop. "It looks like Light Industries new president is..." She couldn't believe who it was. "It's, it's my fathers best friend. Henry McNeil. He was like my fathers brother. He is family. No, he was a part of my family. He may have the chip. He probably knows what my fathers plan was. We need to stop him. North, can you get York to get me all files about Henry and Light Industries."

"No problem." He smiles.

"We will stop him." Washington put his hand on shadows shoulder. "And we'll be with you every step if the way."

"Alright then" she began to slip on her under armor. "This is going to be tough but I know I can do this. Theta is right, I have lost my spark but I will get it back. I'm not going to lose my family again." She turned looked at the two. She began to put on her armor piece by piece. "It sure feels good to have my armor back on" she slips on her helmet.

"It's good to have you back Agent." North says.

"Alright ladies, let's do this."


Sorry for the short chapter guys...

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