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Agent Shadow walked into the Mother Of Invention before she could say another word to the other Agents. She felt kind of bad for disrespecting them like that but she couldn't help it. The others seemed nice but there was something about the one who was a little more bulky than the others. She thought to herself, 'oh what was his name? Wasn't it Maine? Oh yea. That's right.' She just couldn't stop feeling like he had something against her. That he disliked her.

The counselor walked up to Her.

"Agent Arizona, I will show you to your room now."

"Um, it's Agent Shadow. There's no need to call me Arizona... Didn't The Director say that He was going to show me to my room?"

"Yes, but he had other things to take care of. This way." He guided her down the halls and showed her where everything was. The training room, the Directors office, the kitchen. Everywhere. She thought to herself, 'I guess this is what I'm going to call home from now on.'

"And this will be your room. I apologize for the small size. You are the newest Agent so I'm afraid you will be stuck with this room for the time being." The counselor said in a soothing tone.

The room was small. She looked around and estimated that the room was 10 feet by 13. There was the usual. A bed, desk, drawer and a night stand. Across from the door was a glass panel. She walked toward it and opened the glass door. Inside the very small area were these machines. They help unlock the armor so you can take it off.

She closed the glass door and turned to The counselor.

"Agent Connecticut..."

"What about her?" He replied.

"Was this her room before she died." Shadow looked down hoping that he would say no.

"Of course not. I hope you can adjust well here. The Director needs my assistance. Goodbye Agent Ari- I mean- Shadow." He walked out and the doors slid behind him.

There she was. All alone. The room was dimly lit. All she could hear was the sound of her own breath. She looked around.

*knock, knock, knock*

She looked at the door and walked towards it. And pressed a little green button beside the door frame. The door slid open. She looked down to see her duffel bag.

"I guess one of the agents dropped it off for me." She whispered to herself. Shadow picked it up and looked around the halls. Nobody. She Went back into her room and the door slid closed.

She tossed the duffel bag on her bed and she sat next to it. Shadow unzipped it and took out a small locket. Inside was a picture of her family and herself. They were all so happy. So young. So innocent. She took her helmet off and held the locket closer. Tears began to swell up in her eyes but she held them back. Right then and there, she finally felt what is was like to be completely alone. She put the locket down on the nightstand next to her and pulled out her laptop from her bag. Shadow got up and put it on the desk. Then she put all of her clothes in the drawer.

Even though it was still a little early, she decided to go to sleep.

"Can you believe her?! She can't be the 'best' agent there is. Can she?" Carolina has been talking to the Agents in the kitchen about Agent Shadow.

"I think she's just scared or intimidated by us. Give her time Carolina." York has been trying to calm her down.

"You shouldn't have taken her bag. She could have gotten it herself. She can't be treated like a child."

"She probably just forgot it. Can we please change the subject?" Washington says.

"What's the point Washington? We're all thinking it!"

"Ever since Connecticut died you've been acting crazy. The Director already told you that She was not a replacement. You are falling out of line Agent."

Carolina looked at him. Stunned. "I'm going to the training room. If anyone wants to come, you are not welcome." She takes a final glance at Washington and leaves.

"In my opinion, that could have gone worse." Wyoming says.

"Ugh." Washington sits on a chair and crosses his arms.

Back with Shadow

'Mom? Is... Is it really you?'

'Its been a long time.' She smiles and puts her hand on Shadows cheek. 'You've grown so much. I'm so proud of you.'

'What are you doing here. This has to be a dream. Where's dad, Nate, and -'

Her mom cuts shadow off.

'Shh. It is a dream and I don't have much time dear so I must tell you this quickly. Don't let your past define you.' She slowly fades away.

'Mom! Please don't go! I can't do this on my own! Please!...

Please don't leave me like before...'

Agent Shadow shot up from her bed breathing heavily. 'Why?' Was the only thing she was thinking of.

" 'Don't let your past define you?' How can it not define me? Every day I wake up knowing that you guys will never be with me again." Shadow whispers to herself.

She turns her head toward the door and sighed. She grabbed her helmet and stared at it for a while "Well, Let's get this over with." She got up from her bed and put her helmet back on. She walked toward the door, pressed the green button, and the door slid open. She walked out of her room.

"Ok, so the kitchen is.... This way.... Nope wrong way. Uh it's this way?... " the halls were empty the kitchen wasn't that far from the rooms. Even though she was supposed to be the smartest, she's never been in a place with so many halls. Shadow hears the others talking in the distance. She follows the sound of their voices until she finally found them. Everyone turns to look at her.

"I just wanted to apologize for my actions earlier. I shouldn't have acted like that. I'm sorry."

"No need to. We know your new and everything. We know it can get tough." Washington says in a sympathetic tone.

Carolina walks through the doorway.

"I forgot my-" she stops when she sees shadow. "Oh it's you."

"Excuse me?"

"You think that you can walk in and act like we should do everything for you, huh? Well that's not how it works." She walks closer to Shadow. "What's wrong Arizona? Can't talk?" She whispers, "you'll never be an Agent. I can't believe your parents thought that you were good enough."

Shadow had enough of it. She finally exploded. "My. Family. Is. Dead." Shadow says in a stern tone. "My family is dead! I don't have them anymore, they're gone forever! Do you realize how hard it is to see your family be murdered right in front of you!? Huh?! I was nine years old when they were murdered! Do you kn... Know how traumatic that is? The only reason why I joined Project Freelancer was because the Director told me that he will find the asshole who killed my family! And you wanna know why I don't like being called 'Arizona'. That's where my fucking family died!" She stares at Carolina for a second. Then back at the group.

South raised her hand up to her mouth and the others looked shocked.

"I came to apologize, like a grown up would. Whose the childish one now?"

Shadow walked back to her room. She couldn't believe that Carolina would have the nerve to say that. And it was only her first day...

Carolina was embarrassed. The Agents were looking straight at her. Shocked. Carolina looked at them and walked out of the kitchen.


Whoa! Well, Shadow is having a rough time adjusting, huh? All she wanted to do was apologize. So much drama! Trust me there won't be as much drama in the future. This chapter is a little long and I apologize. There will be action in the future. I promise. Hope you guys like it!!!!

I unfortunately will not be able to update next Friday because I have an art show that starts on Friday and ends on Sunday. Sooooooooo I'll be updating on Thursday.

Project freelancer: The Forgotten AgentWhere stories live. Discover now