The New Girl

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Not many people are chosen to become an Agent. You must have the skills and bravery to become one. This career comes with a cost though. Every mission can be life or death for you. Every decision you make will decide your fate....

*Through the intercom*

"Agents, meet at the hangar, we have some news to discuss about in a short amount of time."

The Directors voice echoed through the empty halls. All of the Agents were in the training room. Everyone was practicing, trying to be better than one another. Their training consisted of hand on hand combat, which of course, is Carolina's and Tex's specialty. They all stopped and headed to the hangar.

"Really? While we're training? This better be important." South complains.

"You should know by now that almost everything he has to talk about is important. Almost." Carolina tells her.

It had been a week since Connecticut's passing. Many of them could not believe that one for their long time friends had died. Everyone was still upset except for Tex.

The Agents walked through the halls wondering what The Director was talking about. But South was right. The Director never called them during training. It probably was important. You never know.

The doors opened to let the Agents in. The hangar was empty. Usually a pelican was in the center of the room but it wasn't there. The only things there were Warthogs and a couple Mongoose. They scanned the room but the Director wasn't in there. They waited there for a couple of minutes. From behind the group, the doors opened. The Director stepped out and walked towards the front of the group. He stood there. Looking at them. He finally said...

"Agents," the Director said, "I have some news for all of you. Unfortunately we lost one if our Agents last week. Agent Connecticut." Tex scoffed at his remark. He continued, "This loss should be a lesson for all of you. And her death was a shock to us all. before you say anything, I am announcing that we are having a new arrival today. A new recruit."

"A... A new recruit? What do you mean? Are you saying that we are replacing CT?!" Carolina screamed in disbelief. "I cannot believe that you would think of replacing her!"

"Agent Carolina! One more outburst from you will result in being dismissed from the meeting. As I was saying, she is not a replacement. She was supposed to get here the day that Agent Connecticut passed but her arrival day had to be pushed back because of that. So, Agent Carolina, let me finish what I am saying before you speak out of turn. Am I clear?"

In a low tone, "Yes Sir."

"Good. The new Agent shall be arriving any minute now. I want you to give her the most respect even though she's the youngest of all of you."

"How old is she?" York asks.

"That, she will have to tell you. In the mean time, line up! She is about to arrive."

The Agents and The Director could see the Pelican in the distance, and it's slowly coming closer. Then, it Slowly landed.

"Agents, I would like to introduce you to Agent Arizona."

As soon as he said that, the door slowly opened to reveal a girl . She wore Mark VI armor. It was black like Tex's and had blue here and there. Her visor was grey.

"Agent Arizona reporting for duty Sir!"

She raised her hand to her visor to greet him formally. He did the same.

"I will leave you here to socialize with the other Agents. Once you are finished, I will show you to your corridor." He tells her and goes back inside. When the doors closed behind him, North walked up to her.

"Hi, my name is Agent North Dakota and this is my twin sister, South. Nice to meet you Agent Arizona." North takes out his hand to give a handshake but Arizona just stands there.

She pushes his hand away from her "I do not want you to call me Agent Arizona. Call me Agent Shadow from now on." She stares at the Agents And walks between them to go inside. The doors close behind her.

"Well, that was very rude in my opinion. If I were the Director, I would have sent her back where she came from." Wyoming says.

Tex walks closer to us "There's something about her that's different, but in a bad way." Everyone exchanges looks. "Keep a very close eye on her."

"Guys calm down, she's probably a little nervous because it's her first day. And plus, The Director said that she is younger than all of us." Washington reassures us.

"I think she needs a major personality check. The way she talked to us was completely disrespectful. How does he think that we're supposed to give HER respect when she doesn't give it back?" Carolina walks inside and the rest follow.


Hey guys, I know this chapter was a little slow and I'm sorry.

Thanks for reading this chapter. See you next week

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