Training Day

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Shadow walks into her room enraged. The doors slid closed behind her. She couldn't believe that Carolina would say that to her. The nerve of some people.

"FUCK YOU CAROLINA!!!!"She stands in the middle of the room for a second."You know what, tomorrow's my first day of training. Guess what, I will prove to you that I AM an agent." Shadow whispers to herself.

She walks to the small room to take off her armor. The small machines unlock the armor and take it off. Shadow steps out of the small room in her tank top and shorts. She decides that she had enough and lays down on her bed and falls asleep.

*Through the Intercom*

"Agent Shadow, report to the training room immediately."

Shadow wakes up and goes back into the small room. The machines put her armor on and lock it in place. She opens the glass door fully armored.

"Well, I guess it's time to prove myself to the other Agents." She says to herself. She walks to the door and presses the green button. The door slides up and she walks out. This time she knows where everything is. She rushes to the training room so see the director at the elevator.

"This way Agent. If you don't pass I will send you back to Arizona." The Director threatens her.

"Sir, you will not be disappointed, I promise you that."

Both walk into the elevator. It goes down.

"Oh and there's one more thing. Your opponents are..."

The elevator doors side open. All of the Agents were lined up. Fully armored...

"Your objective is to take down all of them. Unfortunately Agent Texas is... She's having some problems at the moment. You will be using the paint for this training session."

"What is 'the paint'?" She asks.

"Oh you will soon find out if you fail. Have fun. Try to do this quickly."

Shadow cracks her knuckles and glares at Carolina, "With pleasure."

They all gear up. Of course there's a sniper rifle for North and fortunately, Maine didn't have his Brute Shot so there wouldn't be any difficulty there for Shadow. She heads toward the table with some "ammo" and a magnum.

She observes the room. Ledges from the walls were extending out ,'perfect for North to have a visual for me.' Some barricades were rising from the ground. 'So we can hide behind'

All of this was going through Shadows mind. she was calculating every situation and how she would be able to escape if she was cornered.

Even though she couldn't really see any of them, Shadow yells out ,"OK! WHICH ON OF YOU ARE GOING TO GET THEIR ASS KICKED FIRST?!"

No one answers.

*through the intercom*


North immediately goes for the ledges. Shadow jumps behind one of the barriers. She looks around to see if anyone is near. She caught Maine walking around looking for her. She aimed for him but North saw her. He shot the gun out of Shadows hand. The gun slid away from her.

"Shit." She thought to herself. She looks around the corner and North shoots again but he hits the barrier. 'that's two shots, two more and he has to reload.' She thought to herself. She looks in front of her. The pistol was about 5 feet in front of her. She runs for it. North shoots twice and missed. Shadow grabs her gun and quickly turns around. She shoots and...

A shot right to the helmet. The pink concrete surrounds Norths face and his armor locks in place. 'One down, six more to go.' Shadow runs for the next barrier. She spots Wyoming. She runs to him and kicks him into the barrier next to him. She kicks the gun out of his hand and shoots him multiple times until he can't move.

"Five more to go" she says to herself.

As she was walking towards a barrier, a pellet flew across her helmet. She dives to the nearest barrier. Shadow looks up and Hears the soldiers cheering from the outside. That when she noticed that the window was also reflecting the arena. That's when she saw that Washington and Maine were coming towards her from both sides of the barrier. They were getting closer.

"Ok, when we turn shoot immediately. We need to take her out." Washington whispers to Maine.

" 'Growls' " Maine responds back.

They finally got to the barrier that she was standing behind. Shadow jumped on top of it. They thought that she was still there. They both turned and ended up shooting each other. Shadow jumps off of the barrier and shoots them both one last time to make sure they wouldn't move. The pink concrete covered their helmets and their torsos.

"Idiots." Shadow said under her breath. She headed off somewhere else in the arena.

Carolina and York are teamed up. They were looking for Shadow but didn't seem to find her. They looked up at the score board.

"Damn, she's good. She took out four Agents already." York says to Carolina.

"She won't take us down, that's for sure." She says back, "We need to find South. She's probably alone somewhere." York nods his head and they both sneak through the arena.

Shadow was walking through the arena. 'Where are they?' She thought to herself.

"Looking for me?" South walks out from behind one of the barriers.

"Yeah. I was actually." She replies back. Shadow turns around but as soon as she did, South shot her arm. "Dammit!" Shadow couldn't move her left arm. South shoots once more and Shadow dodges it. She hits her arm against the barrier and breaks the concrete from her arm. She shoots Souths gun from her hand and runs up to her. She kicks South against the wall and shoots her torso. South is stuck to the wall.

"The next time I train with you, you'll be sorry!!! And you-"

"Oh shut up." Shadow shoots Souths helmet and the concrete surrounds it.

"York, she's this way." Carolina whispers to York. They start walking toward Shadow.

All of a sudden, the barriers began to go back into the ground, revealing all the other Agents.

"Look at those two." York gestures to Washington and Maine,"heh, looks like they shot each other."

*Through the intercom*

"Do not shoot, this is the hand to hand combat session. Carolina, York, you are both against Shadow."

The concrete begins to weaken and the agents were free again.

"When I get my hands on you, you're going to regret sticking me on that wall." South says to Shadow coldly.

Everyone puts their guns away. The five agents lined up near the elevator to spectate the fight.

The three get in their stances, ready to battle.

"It's all or nothing." Shadow whispers to herself.


She glanced at Carolina and York.



Oooooo cliffhanger!!!! You guys just have to wait until next week! Sorry. Oh and the reason why i didn't publish this earlier today is because I went to the doctor today and they said that I have pneumonia. Don't worry it's not that serious. I'm fine right now, just wanted to let you guys know. Well until next week 😁

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