Moving in

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"I'll be dropping you off at the central airport. I don't think anyone will suspect anything. All of your armor and  belongings have been sent to the airport where you will pick it up. We already set up a place where you can live for the time being. It'll be about a month before we can continue with this plan." She explained in brief.

"Why?" I asked.

"We don't want Henry to become suspicious about your appearance in the city... I didn't want to tell you this just yet but"

"What is it?"

"After a month you'll start working for him." She said in a grim tone. Shadow didn't have to words.

How can I work for a man who is nothing but pure evil? She thought. A million scenarios filled her head.

"I'll do it." Shadow finally said. "But you need to promise me one thing."

"What is it?" 479er asked while focusing on piloting.

"I'll be the one to make sure he sees his end."

"You're a crazy kid you know that?" She chuckled, "make sure he pays for what he has done... If you don't mind me asking, do you hold any resentment toward your dad, considering he did start this?"

"Yes I do, I can't say that my dad was a good man, all I can say is that I will finish what he originally started. I'll see to it that I'll bring down his so called "empire."' Shadow changes the subject, "when will we be arriving?"

"In about 20 minutes. Once you settle in your apartment, well explain everything in full detail, just don't make yourself a target okay? Be careful." Shadow never knew that she could be so cautious for others.

"Don't worry, I've been though worse. After all, Henry punches like a girl." She laughs and then points at the scar than ran across her cheek.

"That's not what I'm talking about, most of the men who work for him probably have seen your face. Many will hold grudges against you. If things go dark," she hands shadow some dog tags, "press the button on the back of those, they'll signal me to fly in."

"Thanks." Shadow was grateful to have these people in he life, "I can't believe I abandoned them," she whispers.

"Don't beat yourself up kid. This is all part of a plan. After all this, you can go back if you want." She reassures shadow.

"You think so?" Shadow put the dog tags around her neck.

"Yeah, before you know it, you'll be training your ass off with the others." They both start to laugh as they decent toward the runway.

Shadow walked into the airport. She almost forgot how it felt to feel unnoticed considering that before, she wore armor everywhere she went. For some reason, she felt like an alien. She didn't belong with the rest of society. It's only been an hour since she left the Mother of Invention and she is beginning to feel homesick. She walked toward baggage claim an grabbed her two suit cases. From there she walked outside where a taxi picked her up.

"4836 gra..." The taxi driver interrupted her.

"Yeah yeah, I know where to go. The director told me." He began to drive. Shadow didn't even question it.

It took 40 minutes to get to her apartment. The taxi driver dropped her off.

"Thank you sir, I'm sorry but I don't have anything to pay you with..." She apologized.

"Don't worry about it, the director already paid me. He said to give you this." He handed her a touch screen phone and a card. "479er already texted you and that's your credit card." He smiled then drove off.

Shadow turned on the phone and saw that 479er did text her.

"Hey agent, where you will be living is on 4386 grand oak street, apartment 708 on the 32nd floor. Rent will be paid by The Director. Once you get up to your apartment, your key will be in the outer pocket of your black suit case. Good luck. Relax a little bit."

Everything seems so real now. Shadow didn't feel comfortable in her new environment.

"Well, at least The Director knows  how to pick a building." The apartment complex was beautiful. Very modern and tasteful. She headed inside then went straight to the elevator. "32nd floor room 708" she mumbled to herself.

She arrived at her apartment and did what 479er told her to do. She grabbed her key and opened the door. "Nice." She said. Shadow looked around and was very impressed. (Look at the picture to have a reference." Her room was just above the living room. It was very modern.

"Echo, can you run a security scan?" She just wanted to make sure that everything was safe.

"Sure thing."

"Shadow began to explore the apartment. The walked toward the dining room and looked out the window, she then realized that there was a balcony. She walked out and took in the sight of the city. It blew her away.


"I hope you guys don't think I'm crazy." She said while looking up at the sky, "I miss you all so much already." A single tear ran down her cheek.

"Secure check complete." Echo appeared next to her. Shadow wiped her face off.

"Oh hey Echo. Everything secure?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing everything is fine." She turned her attention to the city. Off in the distance A single building stood out to her.

It was Light Industries. "Everything is perfectly fine."

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