Life and Death

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"Get the fucking system to work again York!" Washington yelled.

"Don't you think I'm trying? I'm panicking right now and the last thing I need is for someone to be yelling in my ear!" He yelled back

Carolina runs up to the guys. South and Tex follow. "Woah, what's going on here?"

"Shadow..." York says while getting the system to work.

"What's wrong? Isn't it Maine's day to train?"

"Ugh, North, explain." York says.
"As far as I know, Shadow wanted revenge. For what? I don't know, but she was very upset. Next thing you know, she's fighting Maine. Then, he stabbed her." North described the scene very briefly.

"Okay guys, looks like we have to open the doors manually. Washington, on the count of three I need you to pull on the door, I'll pull I. The other one. One. Two. Three!" York and Washington begin to slide open the doors. The doors didn't open easily. They were sliding slowly, "Wyoming, North, we need you to help us out a little bit," Wyoming helps Washington with their side of the door and North helps York. They quickly slide them open.

They looked down and jumped down the elevator shaft. The drop was about 15 feet but it didn't really matter. They all jumped down one by one.
Once they all got to the training room, they all saw Shadow lying on the ground. Carolina saw Maine at the other end of the room looking straight at them. She begins to walk toward him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" As Carolina began yelling at Maine, Washington ran to Shadow. She didn't move a single muscle. She was lying there in a pool of blood.

"Shadow can you hear me?!" He says to her trembling, "please be okay."

"York, can you fix the elevators control system down here?" North asks

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can. Thank goodness it wasn't plasma damage, then we would have a problem." He says with a smirk. He quickly runs toward the control system and begins to work on it.

Tex leans against the wall next to York, "Why don't we just leave her here and wait for the medics to work this out? I mean, if she was stupid enough to face Maine alone, what makes you think that she'll be good out there."

He looks up. Straight at Tex. He sighs, "Look, her emotions got in the way. Sadness took over her which weakened her. All you know is anger, and that's all you'll ever know." He looks back down at the system, "What do you have against her Tex?"

"South and I have both agreed that she is the weak link in this group. She has no position here." She crosses her arms and walks away.

York kept working on the system. It wasn't too long until he fixed it, "Got it, come on people let's go!"

Washington was still by her side. Shadows breaths became shallow. 'She's going to die' Washington thought. The saddening thought went through his mind.

"Washington!" York yelled once more.

He picked her up bridal style, and ran toward the elevator.

"People lets move!" Carolina says. Maine began to walk toward the elevator, "Maine, just keep your distance for now." She Jogs her way with the rest but she notices that Shadows helmet was on the floor. She picked it up and made her way into the elevator.

The elevator began to move upward. The doors opened once more and Washington ran with shadow in his arms. North called the medics, "Agent Washington will arrive at the infirmary in just a few minutes. Be ready to take Agent Shadow."

Washington runs as fast as he could. He looked down and saw that shadow opened her eyes.

"Wash?" She says quietly. Washington stops to talk, "what's going on?"

"I'm taking you to the infirmary. No more wasting time." He starts to run again. He sees that the medics were waiting. They had a gurney ready. He placed her down gently. One of the nurses took her pulse, "let's go! We're losing her!"

"What?!" Washington said in shock. He stood there as the medics took her away to the operating room...


Hey guys, I know the schedule has been off lately and I'm so sorry. It's going back to normal so expect another chapter published next Friday. I promise.

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