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Carolina immediately charges in while York holds back. Shadow gets in stance readying herself for what is about to happen. 'No game plan? Typical.' Shadow thought to herself. Carolina runs up and round kicks her. Shadow immediately blocks with her right forearm. Carolina goes in for a double kick. Shadow keeps her stance and keeps blocking. Getting ready for the right moment. Off to the distance, the others are cheering for Carolina and yelling at York to get in the fight.

Carolina quickly turns back to looks at York. 'Big mistake.' Shadow thinks to herself. She slides back and back kicks Carolina in the abdomen. Carolina steps back. York rushes in. He tries to punch Shadow but she grabs his fist. She twist his arm and side kicks him. He falls back but gets up. From behind Carolina tries to headkick her. Shadow quickly dodges and punches her.

The other agents watch in astonishment. They were impressed because Not that she was fighting an unfair fight, but that she was so young and fighting two grown adults. She fought and fought with all that she had just to prove to the others that she is not a child. Shadow turns to York for one last time and crescent kicks him. He falls to the ground.

"I gotta say, you fight like Tex. Unfortunately for you, I know most of her weak spots." Carolina rushes in and tries to punch Shadow. She quickly turns around and grabs Carolina's fist.

"And unfortunately for you, I'm not like Tex." Shadow let's go of her fist and jumps up. She does and 360 side kick and kicks Carolina in the head and she falls. "Next time, don't underestimate me. I'm a force to be reckoned with."

Shadow looked back to the Agents. They were speechless. Washington begins to clap slowly and the others join. Next thing you know, all the soldiers were cheering. 'So this is what it feels like to be noticed.' She thought.

*Agent Shadow, please report to the directors office* F.Y.L.L.I.S says (I think that's how you spell it)

She begins to walk toward the elevator. As she passed the group. Maine glares at her. She looks back and he turns away. She steps into the elevator and makes her way to the Directors office.

"You called me up sir?" She asks.

"Yes I did. That was some impressive combat skills you showed in the arena. Agent, do you think you could have done better?" He says back.

"Yes sir."

"You were too slow. The missions that you will participate in requires stealth, which you did show, and agility, which you lacked. In the real combat zone, they don't wait. They kill on sight if you are not agile enough."

"Sir, I will do my best to improve myself and meet the battlefield requirements. You will not be disappointed."

"Good. You are excused." Shadow turns around and opens the door. She heads back to her room.

"Holy shit! Did you see how she did that. That was insane." Washington says," so York, how does it feel to get your ass kicked by a girl? AGAIN?" He begins to laugh.

"Ha. Ha. Ha" York laughs sarcastically,"she was good, don't get me wrong. I have to agree with you, that was insane."

"Not only is she a girl but she's just a kid." He says in amazement.

"How old is she? Do you know?" York asks.

"No, she hasn't told any of us what her age is. I highly doubt that she's under 18 years old." Washington replies.

They both see Shadow walk past them.

"Hey Shadow, we were just talking and you never mentioned to us how old you are." Washington says.

"I've never told you guys? Hmm, well I'm a teenager. Don't freak out about my age, but I'm 15 years old..."

"WHAT THE FUCK? YOU'RE ONLY 15?" Washington yells.

"So what, she's 15. Big whoop." Carolina says coming from the back of them. "Gotta say, you were pretty good out there kid."

"Thanks. So were you guys...Carolina? Can I talk to you in private." Shadow says.


The guys walk off still talking about the training session.

"Well, I guess I should start off by saying sorry for acting like a complete Jerk when I arrived." Shadow apologizes.

"No, you don't need to apologize. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I had no Idea that you went through that. Today, in that arena when you kicked me and made me fall, a new kind of respect arose for you. You proved to everyone that you belong here, in Project Freelancer." Carolina apologizes. "So, everything is cool between us?"

"Yeah" shadow walks off then turns back,"hey Carolina, next time we train, try not to get your ass kicked by me again." She smiles.

"Oh hahaha. Very funny." Carolina walks off to the opposite direction.

Shadow heads to her room.


Yay! They're "friends" again. I like to think of them as friends but also rivals. And I would like to apologize for not updating on Friday. I am super busy.

The joys of being in highschool (yeah right)

I will try my best to publish another chapter next Friday. Hope you guys liked it. :)

Project freelancer: The Forgotten AgentWhere stories live. Discover now