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Shadows P.O.V.

Its been two months since I moved into my apartment. The past few weeks all I've been doing is reviewing the blueprints of the Light Industries building. I've memorized every exit, entrance, security camera, alarm, and studied the ventilation system (just to have a plan B if things go South). My whole life has been leading to this. I will not fail.

I will succeed.

"Just waiting for your word Sir." I say into the mic. This is probably going to be one of the riskiest missions of my life. I stood on the roof of the building across. The sun begins to set causing the sky to fill with yellows, oranges, and reds. The sky is clear, not a single cloud in the sky. It's such a beautiful scene.

"Shadow, it's time." The director says with a cold tone. About a month ago, I set up cameras all around the building so everyone who knows about this mission will see, but as soon as I step into the building, I'll be alone.

"Yes sir." I grab the harpoon next to me and aim for the 40th floor. I pull the trigger still holding onto the rope attached to the arrow. It implants itself into the wall. I quickly secure the rope to a pipe on the building I'm standing on and zip line towards Light Industries. As I approach, I slow down and reach the window.

A few weeks ago 479er sent me some new equipment for this specific mission. To get into the building, I have to use a laser she gave me to cut out a hole in the window. Once I do that, I climb in.

"Echo, activate active camouflage." I disappear into my surroundings. Security has been tight. Ever since our last attempt there's at least 10 security guards on each floor. This mission is all about stealth. Even though there were people in this building, it seems like I'm the only one here. I finally break the silence.

"Sir, I'm in." I whisper.

"Good, now disable the security cameras." He begins to talk to other people. I walk toward the security room. Sitting in a chair was a man with some armor on. He faces the security screens with his feet on his desk. He won't be a problem.

I sneak behind him and quickly put my arm around his neck. He began to panic, his mouth opened but no sound came out. His spastic movements relaxed then stopped. 'I'm sorry', I thought, 'unfortunately you picked the wrong side.' I set him on the ground gently. The control panel was just a few feet away from me. I can either shut off the power causing the backup generator to kick in and use all its power to secure the chip or I can leave the power on and leave all of the security cameras on.

I walk up to the control panel and cut the wires and Everything went dark. I turned on the night vision camera and walked out of the security room, the footsteps a soldiers could be heard coming up the staircase.


I have active camo on but they have thermals on their guns.

Think Shadow, think. Then I remember... The air vents. I stand up on a nearby office desk that is right infer an air vent. There isn't enough time to unscrew every screw on it. I force it open leaving a gap big enough for me to fit. It was a tight squeeze. I could barely move, I'm packed tight like a sardine.

I maneuver my way through the building. All i have to do is get to the next floor and get to the staircase to make this a bit more easier.

I begin to get lost in my own thoughts. How is everyone doing back in the M.O.I.? Do they still see me as a traitor? It was all an act though... But they don't know that.

I don't even realize I'm standing on the next floor. I make my way to the staircase and begin to walk up to the 60th floor...

"Stop being so weak!" My master yelled at me with annoyance.

"Sir, I am tired. I can't climb all of these steps in one day." It was my second day of training with 'grand master' whatever-his-name-was.

"I am here to teach you discipline. You have to transform into a soldier." He hit my legs with his cane and I stumbled on the steps. "Get up!" He yelled.

With hesitation I stood up.

"Now keep going. You have much more training ahead of you." He turned his back and kept going.

"How much more training?" I asked.

"Until you become the soldier I will form you to be." He grinned. "Patience will be a virtue you will learn here, dedication is what you will learn, motivation is what you will learn. The only thing you will earn is respect."

"That didn't answer my question."

He laughed,"about ten years."

I was nine at the time. A few months since my family was murdered. The one thing I didn't learn from that old man was sympathy. I finished my training in 2 years. At the age of 11 I entered my first martial arts class. It wasn't a normal 'kids could join if they want to lean self defense' class. It was military level. I was the youngest there being 11. My first week there, I had already beat a black belt. I spent 4 more years in that dojo practicing and training. When I turned 15, I had gotten a summons from Leonard L. Church. That is how it all began...

I made it to the 60th floor. They had moved the location of the chip after our last 'attempt'.

"Sir I'm here." I whispered into the mic.

"Good. I believe there is one thing I forgot to mention." He said with a concerned tone.

"What is it." I can sense that there is something wrong.

He pauses.

"Never mind, just continue with the mission." Something was definitely wrong, but I'm not going to let it get to me.

There it is, the room where this stupid ass chip is. I pull out a digital tablet and begin to hack the system. Everything is going as planned.

Suddenly, the building shook...

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