End Game

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"Sir!" Panic filled Shadows voice. He didn't reply back.

She hacked the security and the doors unlocked. Running in, Shadow realized something. All information of Project Freelancer was no longer in a chip, but it was in a data base. This just made the destruction of their files 10 times harder. She pulled out her digital tablet once again and began the process of wiping out everything.

'Clap, clap, clap'

Henry stood a few feet away from her. "I knew I would find you here." His voice was full of hate and disgust. "It's funny how you would risk your life for them. They are nothing."

Shadow turned around, "how about you shut the fuck up before I knock those teeth out of your mouth." Anger filled her body at the sight of him. He stood with such confidence like he had just won an award.

"They aren't your family," he protested, "I'm the closest you have to family."

"No, you are an insignificant piece of shit I should have killed when I had the chance, even if it meant getting shot." Shadow clenched her fists. "Everything is being wiped out as we speak."

He began to chuckle. "You really are ignorant, aren't you." He reached in his pocket, "this database that you are 'wiping out' is merely a backup." In between his pointer finger and thumb was the chip. "You'll have to kill me to get this."

What game is he playing? Shadow asked herself.

Back at the mother of invention, The Director stood watching the screen.

"Sir, should we send backup?" A trainee asked.

With a sigh he said, "no, we cannot risk the lives of the others." He gripped the railing in front of him until his knuckles turned white. An eerie silence filled the control room as they watched the footage. The door behind the director opened.

"Sir, I have some questions about the..." Carolina's question stopped as she looked up at the screen. "What's this?"

"Agent go to your room." The Director ordered. Carolina set her files on a table next to her. She needed answers. "Do you want the truth Carolina?" He asked.

Without hesitation "Yes."

"Agent Shadow had been sent out on a mission we have planned for over two months now. She is on her own." He folded his arms and looked at the screen once again.

"We have to help her. Don't you see what's happening?" Carolina's voice sounded strained. Shadow was like a little sister to her. Although she didn't admit it, shadow was the only one who treated her as if she were family.

"I know what you're going to do, don't even think about it. I order you to stand down and stay there no matter what happens. I cannot risk any of you to die today."

"Let me at least tell the others, just so they can see for themselves." Anger filled Carolina.

"Very well then."

Things were not going very well for Shadow back in Light Industries. Henry's men surrounded her. The only protection she had was a desk she hid behind. Shadow did not know what to do. She had only one option, it's to use the grenade she had. It would get rid of the soldiers but I would also weaken the structure of the building.

Fuck it she thought. In one swift motion, shadow pulled the pin and threw it over the desk. The building shook once again. Debris flew in every direction as screams could be heard from this floor. Pieces of the ceiling fell onto the floor. Shadow peered up from behind the desk. In the middle of the floor was a gaping hole. A few feet from the hole was Henry laying on the ground a bit dazed from the impact. A could of soldiers took cover behind something as well. She grabbed her magnum from her holster and shot down the troops. This is it, now is her chance. She began walking towards Henry with the gun still locked in her hand. She made her way around the hole and aimed her gun at him.

"Your end is here Henry. If you give me the chip, I may spare your life." She just said that so he can surrender the chip. Either way, he dies.

He shallowly chuckles, "you were always hot headed, even when you were a young girl." He sat up but shadow kept her gun pointed at him. She only focused on him, nothing else, just him. From the corner of her eye she saw something move. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings.

Bang, she felt a sharp pain shoot through the left side of her torso. She pointed her gun at the soldier and shot him.

Headshot... His body fell to the ground with a thud. Henry got up and punched the side of her head. The two began to fight. Pain shot from shadows side to the rest of her body. Without even touching her side, she knew she was losing a lot of blood. She punched Henry and he let go of the chip. It slid across the floor and shadow grabbed it. For a brief moment, Henry grabbed shadows shoulders tightly and she grabbed his as well.

"If I'm going to die here," Shadow said in a strained tone, "you're going down with me!" With all her strength, shadow threw Henry down the hole. His body fell to the floor below. A beam of metal debris stuck out of the ground. He fell right through the beam impaling him. The son of a bitch was still conscious. With what little strength he had, he moved his right arm to his left wrist and pressed a button on his watch. He maliciously smiled at shadow. He mouthed the word 'boom' and his body went limp.

The whole building shook. Not like when shadow threw the grenade, but this time, the entire building moved. Shadow pressed her back on a wall, slid down, and sat on the ground. She took her helmet off and took out the headset.

"Sir." She spoke with pain in her voice, "it was a pleasure working with you, even though you were a bit of an ass." She laughed but pain surged through her body every time she did.

At the Mother of Invention, everyone was watching the horror. Washington, Carolina, York, North, South, Maine, and Wyoming stood in a group watching. Everything shadow said echoed through the room.

"Don't give up!" Washington yelled, "We're going to get you."

"No..." Shadow paused. She was getting weak fast, "my time is up." She coughed into her hand as blood came out of her mouth, "you guys were great." She set the chip down and smashed it with her fist, "mission successful. All data has been wiped clean and destroyed." She looked out the window. It was dark out, she could hear the chaos outside. Sirens and screams of people echoed through the city. Everyone within 20 miles is being evacuated. The glow of the city was beautiful. Nothing could beat this view. The building shuddered once again.

"Just make sure that the person who takes my spot knows the story of the great and magnificent Agent Shadow." She laughs once again knowing her end is near, "After I'm gone, move on with your lives, don't look back and think 'what could I have done differently' okay?... Goodbye everyone, my life may have been cut short but it was one hell of a ride." She turned her headset off and everything fell silent. She heard the door open then close, footsteps were coming towards her.

"Come on guys, I told you not to come." She knew it wasn't them, there was no way they could have gotten here this quick.

"We've been watching you Agent shadow." A man said in a low tone.

"Creep much?" She grabbed her magnum once again and pointed it at the darkness.

"You don't want to do that." The man kicked the gun out of her hand. "You're coming with us."

Shadows eyes widened as she panicked. "Who are you guys." She tried to stay as calm as possible.

"You don't need to know that." He drew his leg back. The last thing Shadow saw was the shadows of the two men then everything went dark.

In the mother of invention, they saw the fire coming out of the lower floors of the building. Within 10 minutes of the explosion, the building collapsed. Smoke and fire followed as the city fell silent.

Project freelancer: The Forgotten AgentWhere stories live. Discover now