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*Seraphine's POV*

I got my wish, he took me back 'home', at this dusty decrepit old prison. Be careful what you wish for. It's been a couple days, and I hardly speak to him unless I have to. Mainly when he drags me into the town to eat. He brought bottled water back last time, and a pack of breakfast biscuits that taste like sand.

I keep noting everything though, trying to stay at a distance that he can't read my mind. I'm afraid to sleep, afraid he'll mess with my head or discover I am onto him. I need help. I need the others. I need to tell them about his unusual behavior at times, about his eye. That red eye. It was like staring straight into Yeomorah's.

I am roaming the first floor, snooping through everything like a burglar. Searching for books, information, weapons, entertainment, a secret portal to get me the Hell out of here. Anything. I find antiques, old knickers...ew. I find disintegrating papers, old tapestries, old jewelry, men's and women's clothes. I wonder if these were Nox's or his female company's, previous owners, or intruders afterwards. Imaging Nox in some of these old, flamboyant get ups gets a rise out of me. I find old tea sets in the cupboard, and knives. Oh glorious knives. I picture his face as I spin around dramatically and jab the air like I'm jousting. On guard, you smug jackass. Which eye would like like to lose today? No. Which testicle. Yes. That's better.

"I prefer to keep them both." I jump and drop the old crusty knife and bust my my ass on the gross floor. My face contorts in embarrassment. I quickly save by faking a smile and jumping up with my pathetic old knife.

"On guard!" I jab at him and he easily evades. He grabs another knife from the drawer and comes after me.

"Stand down." He puts the knife towards my neck and I purposely trip and cut his arm.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry! Let me find a towel!" I put distance between us so I can mentally celebrate my stabbing him. It's the small things. I find an old table cloth in a cabinet. "Can an incubus get tetanus?"

"You aren't going to heal it?" Heal yourself.

"I forgot I can do that. Here." I quickly heal him and back away as if he were feral wildlife. Well, technically he is feral. "We need to go back." I need help. I need running water.

"I decide when we go back." I almost groan, but I'm afraid to push it.

"I know. I need to talk to someone though, about female things. I also worry that Yeomorah will come looking for us if we don't help get rid of Ezekiel. Nomias was kind enough to spare me with that deal, I owe him."

"Talk to me then. It's Nomias's problem, it was his deal."

"It's about...pregnancy. Do you know much about hybrid pregnancies?" His face draws up.


"Well, I'm worried. I've not felt great and I need to know what is normal or cause for concerns." He looks at my stomach warily. He steps forward and finally touches it.

"I suppose it would be better for you to speak to our mothers about these issues."

"Yes. If I die, again, I would be little use to you." He agrees. "Nox?"

"Yes, lover?" He winks as he leans his face down to mine.

"Can demons possess people too?"

"Definitely, darling." I shudder. There it is again.

"Could...could they possess you-or me?" I quickly add.

"A strong one could. Why the interest Sera?"

"I am concerned for you. You've not been yourself lately. You've said uncharacteristic things, you went through so much to get me back, only to deny us and threaten me. I remember what you said when I was dying. Something isn't right." I grab his hand for added effect. It was risky to tell him my suspicions, but I decided maybe if he knew be could be self aware of get aid in fixing the issue. "Noxodius, your eye the other night was red. Red." He raises his hands to pet my face and I relax a bit, but I don't fully trust our situation. His hands find my throat and he squeezes. I cry out in alarm and punch him in his chest, shocking him enough to let go.

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