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*Hey guys! I hope you guys are satisfied with ending. Now that it's over, I am not going to lie, my original intention when I got the idea for this story as a short was for Nox to continue being a pompous ass and that Seraphine would be human and die by his hands, though I never had a set plan for this story. As I continued on, I could not bring myself to kill her off or to end everything so soon.

I'm probably just weird, but I get attached to certain characters. They are my brain babies and sometimes I will change directions in the story because of a change of heart. I really enjoyed writing for Noxodius and Seraphine, and so I am planning a sequel and I will post the name etc here once everything is planned out. Planning will be a bit different for me, most of my stories start from a random idea and never have a definite ending planned but I wanted to try something different this time. I am a definite novice, so hopefully this will improve my writing ability. 🤞

Thank you guys for all the votes, comments and views! It has been fun to interact and get to know everyone, and even pick on the characters together! 💚💚💚💚

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