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I thought having to have a conversation with Harry was going to be the most difficult part of tonight, but it appears that I was wrong.

I turned round to be greeted with his face. As much as I wholeheartedly despise that ferret, he undoubtedly aged very well. His shoulders were broader and his eyes looked older yet kinder though he still had a young, cheeky aroma around him.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I tried to look as intimidating as possible by crossing my arms and trying to look taller, though even with heels on, he was still far taller now.

"Can you not take a compliment?" He raised an eyebrow and swirled round his drink before finishing it in one gulp.

"Shove off Malfoy, I have no interest for your silly little games tonight." I rolled my eyes. I began to study him further. He made me curious for unknown reasons. I knew it was wrong and I should be getting myself out of this situation now, but something inside me wouldn't let me move.

"Enjoying the view are we Granger?" Draco gave me one of his signature winks. I couldn't help but let the blush spread across my face, "I don't blame you, 9 years older and girls still can't resist me." I couldn't believe him. Even though he's changed in appearance I guess old habits never die.

"9 years older and you're still cocky as hell." I spoke with confidence. I saw a smirk creep onto his face. He was enjoying this and I knew it, "I need to get a drink." I said, I became aware that if I had stuck around for longer I was going to lose my mind.

I walked over to the drinks table to grab another glass of fire whiskey and I could still feel that evil cockroach's eyes on me. I poured myself a glass a turned round so I was perfectly in his view and downed the whole glass. I knew this would start a competition as Malfoy and I were both extremely competitive so I was aware he would take this as a challenge. I wanted to prove to him that I would win and always will. Though I have to admit, I had a huge advantage.

Before I settled in London I traveled to Scotland a lot so I learnt how to handle my drink. But also a word of caution. Never try to outdrink a Scottish person. They will win.

Within seconds Malfoy walked over next to me without saying anything and poured himself a glass too and copied my actions.

Before we knew it we were on our 3rd and then 4th and then our 6th drink. I was completely fine, but I could tell Malfoy was beginning to break.

His swallows became slower and more forced than before. I knew if I pushed him a bit more that he would give in. I just had to keep him drinking.

"Hey Granger?" Malfoy asked as he placed down his now 8th empty glass.

"What is it?" I asked as I placed my glass down too.

"Do you want to dance?" He held out a hand for me to take. I looked at his hand then back up to him. Suspicious.

"What's the catch Malfoy?" I crossed over my arms. I know it may sound a bit ridiculous but you can never be to careful with any of the Malfoy's.

"No catch. Just a dance." He held out his hand once again but closer to me. I thought about it for a second.

One dance wouldn't hurt I guess?

I cautiously reached out and placed my hand in his, "If you do anything Malfoy, trust me when I say I'll hex you into oblivion." He chuckled at my response and walked with me onto the dance floor.

He placed both his hands on my wait and I put both my hands awkwardly on his shoulders. We swayed to the music for a little while as we couldn't really do much more due to how intoxicated we were, we were stumbling over our own feet by just swaying.

We danced in a comfortable silence before Malfoy opened his mouth.

"So, what do you do?" He begun.

"Well, I'm a primary school teacher in London." I told him, he gave me a strange look.

"A primary school teacher?" He questioned, "Why would the brightest witch of our age become a primary school teacher?" I shrugged in response.

"I don't know. I guess I work well with children and I've always enjoyed helping people and tutoring." I looked down at our feet then looked back up into Malfoy's grey eyes.

"You know that's not what I meant." He stated. And yes, I knew that's not what he meant. I knew what he was trying to ask but I didn't feel comfortable telling him those things.

I clear my throat and remember my goal, "We should get back to drinking." I say as I remove his hands off of my waist and take a step back from Malfoy to head towards the drinks. He follows me and we continue our mostly silent game.

By now, Malfoy and I are close to 12 drinks and we are surprisingly having a good time. This is most definitely the alcohol talking by the way. We went back onto the dance floor and we spun each other around as we moved to some more modern music. The night was full of laughter and I was having a good time with the most unexpected person to say the least.

But then.


I could feel the light hitting my eyes so I turned around so I could stay in my peaceful sleep for longer. My head then hit something and I felt an arm tighten around my skin. I slowly open my eyes to find that a pounding head has decided to greet me good-morning and that I am clothe-less.

Oh my god I'm NAKED!

I abruptly sit up, removing the arm that was once wrapped round me and cover myself with the white sheet on the bed. My bed sheets weren't white.

Oh my god I'm in a STRANGERS BED!

Now, time to find out who this stranger is.
I look down on my left to see an equally as naked, blonde headed, evil cockroach.



Wow I bet you guys didn't see that one coming. Thank you for reading this chapter and as always I hope you have a fantastic day!

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