t h r e e

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Hermione and her best muggle friend, Olivia, went out later that evening in order to buy a dress for Hermione.

"What is it you need this dress for again Mon?" Olivia asked as she glanced into the passing shop windows.

"Oh, for my friends wedding." Hermione had planned all this out the previous night as Olivia was a very inquisitive person and would of found it strange to be shopping for such fancy dresses for fun.

Olivia was much like Hermione in some ways; she was very intelligent and kept mostly to herself but could cause all hell to break loose if she had to. She was also a very pretty girl, she had shoulder-length blonde hair that fell down her back, and had dazzling green eyes that was the colour of emeralds. Olivia got a lot of male attention, yet she never seemed too interested in them.

As they were walking down the high-street, Olivia stopped all of a sudden, "Oh my goodness." Hermione looked to find her friend staring into the window of a boutique that had a mannequin showing off a gorgeous dark green dress.

" Hermione looked to find her friend staring into the window of a boutique that had a mannequin showing off a gorgeous dark green dress

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Hermione stared at it for a few seconds before she realised that Olivia was no longer next to her, but inside the shop. Hermione went in to follow Olivia to find her at the checkout with a long dress bag in her hand. Olivia walked over to Hermione and placed the long silver bag into her arms with a smile on her face.

"Olivia... you didn't!" Hermione was in utter disbelief. Yes, it was the most gorgeous dress she had ever seen, but pretty dresses don't come with a pretty price.

"How much was it? I need to pay you back!" Olivia tutted and gave a sly look to Hermione.

"That's for me to know and for you to preferably not find out." She grabbed Hermione's hand and walked out the store to make their way to the bus station.

The got off at their separate stops and Hermione headed into her apartment with the dress still in her arms. Ensuring she didn't ruin the dress she kept it located hanging in her dresser until the next night.

She began to pack her bag for the next day making sure she included all the essentials such as a book, her back-up book and her  back-up back-up book.

Once she had finished packing and triple checking she had everything necessary for tomorrow she changed into her pyjamas and began to hear her phone explode.

After ignoring it for a while, it began to irritate her so she checked her phone before going to bed to see many messages from Andrew. She began scrolling through them...
Baby, I'm so sorry, it was a mistake!
I want to talk to you, we should meet up. I miss you...
I know I'm a complete and utter fool for doing what I did, and if I could turn back time I would take it all - -

Hermione didn't bother to read the rest of the 500 word essay Andrew had left for her on how he "didn't mean it" and decided to block his number and shut her phone off for the night.

As she was beginning to fall into her sleep she began to think about Hogwarts with a small smile on her face. Although she swore she was done with Hogwarts and magic, she knew deep down that Hogwarts would always be like a home to her.

The next morning Hermione found her tummy full of butterflies as, though she would never admit it, she was rather excited to return to the place she used to love so dearly.

Due to the train ride to Hogwarts being a treacherous 7 hours, she wanted to leave her apartment as soon as possible.

She didn't have much for breakfast, she didn't think she would be able to keep it down as the butterflies in her stomach were starting to get a bit out of control, so she just settled for some bland toast. (which is a crime in my opinion)

Half an hour later, Hermione took a last glance at the invitation and scolded herself for being persuaded so easily by some ink and parchment. How ridiculous. She thought to herself. She made sure she turned all her plugs and switches off and headed to her front door before leaving her apartment.

At 10am Hermione Jean Granger arrived at platform 9 3/4 with the look of fear on her face. She awkwardly made her way onto the train and sat in a compartment on her own, and hoped to keep it that way. She took out her journal to pass the time and to hopefully release some of her nerves.

I arrived at the train station slightly early as I'm hoping to avoid the other that may be coming tonight too such as Harry and Ron. I think that I'm most anxious to see them tonight as I'm the one that pulled away from them.

Ever since Harry killed Voldemort, I struggled with a lot of... things to put it lightly and believed that removing Hogwarts and magic from my life would help me cope. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I loved Hogwarts, I grew up there and made so many friendships there. But, my mental health had to come first as much as it hurt.

Gradually, over time, I became a lot more distant to Harry, Ron and Ginny as I knew that they were a constant reminder of all the terrors I went through. In all honesty, it had been one of my biggest regrets. I miss them all dearly but I'm not sure how to approach them anymore. I feel like they will blame me and get upset with me if I try to fix things. I know they can never be how they used to be, but I guess tonight is the night and I'll just have to wait and find out how it goes.


7 hours later...

Hermione gathered her items and stepped off of the train as fast as humanly possible in order to avoid the inevitable.

Everyone made their way into the castle until they reached the Hall.

As soon as Hermione stepped into the hall she felt something. She felt some type of love. At was at this moment that she knew. She knew she was home.

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I really hope you enjoyed this chapter guys! And YES next chapter Draco shall be in it. I'm just making sure I don't move the story along too quickly :) have a great day!

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