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"Ginevra Weasley!" I shouted and she clearly heard as she jumped when I called her. I had just left Malfoy's room wearing the dress I had the previous night and I was looking for answers.

"Uh oh.." I heard her mutter. I stormed up to her and pulled her into the bathroom.

"What on earth did I do with Malfoy last night?" I whispered aggressively. I looked at her face as I awaited a response and saw her eyes look at me with pity.

"Well..." She started, "You and Malfoy had your silly little drinking game which lasted quite a while in between all the dancing and uhm..." she hesitated for a second or two before I butted in.

"Continue. Between all the dancing and?" I nudged her slightly and awaited a response.

"The dancing and... kissing." My eyes widened. My head began to spin and I felt nauseous all of a sudden before throwing up in the toilet next to me.

Ginny held my hair back as I leaned over the toilet seat trying to stop myself from throwing up further, "You had way too much to drink Hermione." she said as she rubbed her hand up and down my back as an attempt to comfort me. Truth be told she wasn't helping much, but what could have calmed me down in a situation like this? I just found out I spent half the night snogging Malfoy's face off and woke up in his bed butt-naked.

I stood up and wiped the excess vomit off my face with some toilet roll and regained my posture.

"Well, what happened after that?" I asked though I'm fairly sure I knew the answer, I was just hoping that this was a terrible nightmare and that I imagined myself in his bed this morning.

I could tell Ginny was being careful as to how she replied to this as she didn't want to upset me further but at this point, I just wanted a straight answer.

She shrugged, "The last place I saw you was when you and Malfoy were dancing really. You both sort of disappeared after that." She froze and her mouth opened wide. "Oh my god. Did you sleep with him?" She spoke loudly. I wasn't sure if there was any way to break the news lightly that yes, I think I slept with Draco Malfoy; the renowned playboy and ex-death eater.

I just gave her a simple nod and allowed the tears to pour out. She began her attempts to comfort me again by giving me a hug and telling me, "Everything is going to be ok."

After a short while, she began to ask me questions again.

"What did you do when you woke up? Was he still there? Did you guys talk about it?" I cleared my throat and began to explain to her what happened...


"MALFOY?" I shouted which caused him to fall off the side of the bed. He stumbled up and tried to cover himself.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked as he scanned the floor for any clothes he could find.

"I-I don't know I-I just woke up here and y-you were here too!" I began to panic. I was embarrassed and annoyed at myself for getting carried away. I'm never like this! This isn't the Hermione Granger I wanted to be like when I grew up, in fact, I took so many precautions to make sure I never ended up in this position but I guess they all ended up being for nothing.

Malfoy began to through me over my dress and lace undergarments, before taking a look at them ofcorse, then he also found his boxers from last night and put them on.

I quickly grabbed my clothes and ran into his bathroom, dropping the bedsheet on the ground, and then began to redress myself in the clothes that smelt of the night's drink.

Once I was finished getting dressed I opened the bathroom door expecting to go through yet another awkward encounter with Malfoy. I began to think over what I would say...

"I think we should pretend this never happened."

"I'm sorry, this was a mistake."

"I wont mention this to anyone if you don't."

but he had gone.

Sorry, I know this was a little bit shorter than my usual. I hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day! <3

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