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"Have you convinced him to not destroy Project N?"

"Yes, Mother."

"Good job, son," Syren drawled as she proudly patted her son's head, eyes twinkling happily. Almost like a little puppy, Logan waited for her to utter her next command, which made the youthful woman only laugh in surprise and adoration. In the last days, the boy had grown on her; he reminded her so much of his father. "I'm very proud of you. Now, are you ready for your next mission?"

"Well yeah, but—"

"Alright, Feline and Shadow are scouting for the location of this 'secret facility' right now. And then, it's finally time to snatch the Vasum right from under their noses," Syren explained whilst she pointed to a large map of the city that hung on one of the tall walls of the warehouse. "It has to be somewhere in the forest... I want you to bring the Vasum to me, Logan."

"But... what if I'm seen?"

"All the better," Syren mused as her eyes twinkled dangerously. Gently, she rested her hand on her son's shoulder, a proud grin on her lips. "That day will mark the day you're no longer a hero but a villain. Such a revelation will cause an uproar; the public will be in shock and fear. Thus we'll be able to work much more efficiently! No more secrecy."

"Fine... I'll do it."

"That's my boy." She hummed, satisfied with his answer. Having deemed the conversation as finished, she turned around to go back to scheming on her masterplan. The large destruction machine she was working on was almost finished; the last crucial step would be acquiring fuel. Picking up a wrench, she announced, "I'll go back to working on flooding all of Halo City, Logan. I'll send Carla a message once Feline and Shadow have the location of—"

"Wait, I did what you asked without any complications! Can you now answer my questions? Tell me why you left Dad and me." That question almost burst out of him. Syren tensed up at his sudden inquiry, her smile quickly vanishing from her wrinkle-free face. Cringing softly, she averted her emerald hues from his own. Her nervous eyes gazed around the not so homely warehouse, grey concrete and brown wood meeting her eyes wherever she looked. They were alone. Logan coughed to get the woman's attention and looked at her, begging, "Please."

"Oh yeah..." she mumbled under her breath, hands tightening into fists, "I forgot this was what you wanted as your reward... instead of a powerful upgrade. A simple question, is that it?"

Inwardly, she knew that one question — if asked correctly — could be more powerful than anything else she had to offer. Syren was scared, but she wouldn't go off on her promise. The soft drizzle outside calmed her busy heart, a heaving sigh escaping her lips. Some memories, she wanted to remember — some, she didn't. Her life had been long; she had loved and lost. For the most part, she just wanted to push her humanity aside, but she knew she never could fully get rid of her feelings and empathy. Anne and now Logan had proven that to her.

"Yes," Logan confirmed, looking at his mother expectantly. He didn't want to pressure her into telling him something she didn't want to, but he had earned himself an answer to his most desperate question. Convincing Mr. Henry Smith to not destroy the Vasum hadn't been easy at all, but he had managed. A melancholic smile appeared on Logan's lips. "I'd like to know. I've spent a lot of time wondering why Dad doesn't talk about my mother."

"Well, a long time ago... a few years before they locked me away into this high-security prison..." An ugly scowl rested on Syren's beautiful face as she spoke of a story untold. Everything was coming up again; she had to hold back her own tears. "...I was on the run, you see— and heavily wounded at that. Luckily, I managed to shake off Myth and his partner — Tempo. They were chasing after me because of an attack on a local police station. I needed some files, but I accidentally set off the alarms and thus had to flee empty-handed."

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